10 Tips for Selecting a Thesis or Dissertation Topic

selection of thesis topic

A dissertation or thesis is comprehensive research or a final-year project carried out by students based on their educational levels, such as bachelor, master, or Ph.D. It is a requirement for obtaining your degree (Helpwithdissertation, 2021).

Choosing a dissertation or thesis topic at the ending of your master’s or doctoral program can be a difficult undertaking. You must choose a topic that interests you to work on. A dissertation/thesis is an important piece of work because it earns you a lot of credit after your master’s or postgraduate year. As a result, you must select the best and most appropriate topic.

Every day brings more anxiety as the deadlines for completing our thesis subject and potential supervisor approaches. This may be more difficult than drafting the thesis itself. So here are some tips to assist you to come up with something fascinating, feasible, and possibly unique.

Find a hobby or a cause that you are enthusiastic about.

You chose to study throughout this program for a purpose, so keep reminding yourself of the issues that interest you in this field. Keep track of any debates or subjects that pique your interest from the start. Identify those instances in that you are confused or fascinated while reading or throughout the lessons. Make a list of them in a notebook or on your phone. Attempt to express your ideas on the topic by writing them down or recording your audio. You may have previously discovered anything if you constantly referring to a particular topic. This is a significant step, possibly the most important.

Pick something unusual.

It’s critical to pick a unique subject for your thesis or dissertation so that you may conduct your study and draw your findings. It’s difficult to come across an entirely new study topic, but you may try approaching a subject that’s already been studied from a different angle. Perhaps you could come up with a novel idea based on a smaller issue that hasn’t been overly researched? Or get help from an online dissertation writing service with your ideas.

Recognize the research procedure

Start by going over any materials or guidelines you’ve received from your university/department regarding what they anticipate from a thesis and thesis, such as the program guide, online guide, and in-class guidelines. While it might be attractive to get straight into brainstorming, it is critical, to begin with, the appropriate content.

Examine your past work thoroughly.

Since you’re starting afresh, there are likely to be several graduates who already completed research on the same issue. Find a good thesis and dissertation that have already been written and can assist you in getting started. Past dissertations can be useful models for a variety of characteristics, including bibliography length, literature review depth, and the kinds of methodologies you could use to support your study hypothesis.

Don’t be too general.

A thesis or dissertation project has to be a well-written piece of academic writing. Each paragraph should assist the researcher’s or argument’s formulation, and the final piece should have a clear structure. Choosing an issue that is too wide may make it almost impossible to completely investigate the topic within the word count allotted, and drawing concise conclusions can be quite tough.

Speak with the professors.

While speaking with your peers is crucial, I strongly suggest you speak with a couple of your teachers as soon as possible, especially if you do not have anything specific in mind (Angela Patricia, 2019). They can provide excellent advice and assist you in determining whom to collaborate with, what to study, and what the field’s interesting gaps are. If you’re not sure whom to approach, look up their study areas on the agency’s website and see who works on topics that are relevant to your specific interests.

Contact Your Experienced Seniors

You can also inquire with second-year students about professors who might be able to assist you. Approach them by email, describing your general interest and requesting a meeting during their business hours. Talk to them about your broad interests. You can start the conversation by requesting bibliographic references, posing a specific query, or inquiring about their understanding of the subject.

Tell them you’re trying to limit your thesis, and they’ll most likely offer you advice and ideas. However, if the instructor isn’t the best fit for the topic, she or he can point you in the proper direction within the department. Professors are usually eager to assist, so don’t be shy about approaching them. But if you hire any cheap thesis writing service, you would not have to contact a lot of people and you can get help at affordable prices.

Don’t limit yourself too much.

While your teacher will advise you to be concise, your dissertation must nonetheless meet the word count requirements. You will struggle to elaborate on your arguments and make well-rounded conclusions if you focus on a question or topic that is too short or narrow. Similarly, don’t use a topic that can be responded to with a simple “yes” or “no” when you’re preparing your proposal.

Keep a level head.

Initially on in your study, it’s tempting to ‘fall in love with a subject or topic, blinding you to all of its flaws. As a result, it’s critical, to be honest about your idea’s potential and breadth. To make sure you’re not clinging to a bad concept, pause for a moment from your issue and examine it from an outsider’s perspective. You may have plenty of room to select another topic if you’ve organized your calendar appropriately.

Decide on a topic for your dissertation or thesis.

After that, you must start working on the final project. Get one that provides you the most assurance after assessing both your viewpoint and feedback from others. Once you’ve made a decision, do not even second-guess yourself or change your opinion. Don’t be seduced by the individuals you left behind. You’ve planned and considered every detail, double-checked practicality, and now are ready to get started. You’ve chosen a topic for your research. Now is the time to trust and follow your decision-making process. It’s time to get started on your proposed study!


Before you are given a supervisor, most programs will want you to provide a quick summary of your topic. Before you prepare a thorough research proposal, it’s a good idea to talk to your supervisor about your thoughts.

Remember that it’s usually fine to change your opinion and move emphasis early in the research project if you find that your topic isn’t as powerful as you believed it was. Simply make sure you have adequate time to begin a new issue, and always consult with the department or faculty.