3 Things to Think About Before Building a Dog Friendly Fence

friend fence

Deciding to build and maintain a dog friendly fence? You’re in luck! There are a lot of things you need to consider before starting, but the good news is that it’s not too difficult. Read on for three important things to think about before building your fence.

This post includes info on how many people have dogs, how much it costs for just one handrail, and what each link costs when done at Home Depot.


How many people have dogs?

The number of people in your household is one of the most important factors when deciding whether or not a dog fence will work for you. If it’s just you and your dog, then a minimum-sized dog fence would probably be ok. However, if you have more than one dog, or if the dogs are at different stages of their lives and development, then you’ll probably need to consider some other options.

Let’s talk about the costs. It’s not as expensive as you might think to build a dog fence, but it is more than most people think.


Build a dog fence on your own?

How many people have dogs? If it’s just you and your dog, then a minimum-sized dog fence would probably be ok. If you have more than one dog, or if the dogs are at different stages of their lives and development, then you’ll probably need to consider some other options. 


Three Things to Think About Before Building a Dog Friendly Fence

Dog owners have discovered the joy of keeping their pet companion close, but many of these animals have a tendency to get out sometimes. The most common way this happens is through digging under fences. However, there are other ways that dogs and other animals can escape. This is why dog owners should take time to consider the three things before building a fence: space, height and distance from ground.


  • The size of the dog fence you need

That’s the first question you have to answer before you start building your dog fence. The easy answer is it depends on your dogs and where they’re going to be in the future, but the reality is it depends on just how many dogs you have and where they’re going to be in the future.


  • Do you want to fence off the entire property? 

Maybe you want to fence off the front yard, back yard or every part of your yard. You will need a large chain link dog fence with at least two strands of completely enclosed wire. This means that you will need two pieces of chain link material. This is the bottom portion of a dog fence. You will also need to fence off the area where the two halves of your dog fence will connect. This part, called the top piece of a dog fence, runs from end to end and is usually made up of two wires. Usually, you would want to use about one-third more materials than your total yard for each side. So if you’re fencing one-third of your yard, make three pieces of chain link material and two pieces of top wire (one for each side).


  • Appropriate height and distance

No matter what type of fence is built, if it is too far from the ground, a dog will be able to push through it. So, pick a fence that’s close enough but not too close. You should also make sure that the height of the fence is not just high enough for a dog to jump over but not high enough for it to easily push the fence down.

Height, distance from the ground and type of material used for the fence are two of the factors that should be considered before building a fence. 


Final Words:

Dog owners can build a beautiful and strong fence that will keep their animals contained and safe. This is important because it ensures safety in the case of an emergency. The fence should be able to keep their dog in place so that it doesn’t run off or get hurt.Many dog owners grow tired of their pet continuously digging holes. The digging is a result of the animal’s instinct to escape and do its own thing. To ensure that a dog-friendly fence is created, it must be strong enough to keep the dog from attempting to escape through it.

The fence must also be built with materials that won’t attract pests or insects. This is because the pests and insects could create an environment where their animal companion can easily get lost. When this happens, the dog might accidentally wander off and get hurt or eaten by predators.


Dog owners should take advantage of getting professional help with their fence installation. It’s best to work with a fence installer that can create a strong, safe and dog-friendly fence.

Dog owners don’t have to struggle with strengthening an existing fence and creating safety for their animal companions.