3 Tips for Caring & Growing for Air Purifying

Plants, in general, purify the air, but a few indoor and outdoor plants like neem, aloe vera, etc., are known for effective air purification.

Air purifying plants need special care and attention to grow better, such as keeping the surroundings clean with proper vacuuming, proper ventilation, good quality plant supplements & more. Indoor plants are less demanding and require less attention compared to outdoor plants. Thus, let’s look at the top 3 tips for growing and caring for air-purifying plants.

1. Watering and Sunlight exposure.

Irrespective of the season, watering the plants is essential to keep the soil moist, supporting photosynthesis, transporting minerals and vitamins to the leaves & much more.

The outdoor plants like neem and Areca palm need daily watering, but indoor plants like spider and peace lily require either alternate day or once in 2-3 days.

Most plants prefer direct sunlight for a more extended period during the day, but the story is different for the air-purifying houseplants.

Initially, you can start putting the air-purifying plants in the sun for a few 3 hours to 4 hours, and later increase the sunlight according to the plant’s behavior.

For example, if the plant is not getting enough sunlight, the symptoms will be the plants will have retardant or no growth, small or pale yellow leaves, and you may not see any flowers or only buds in the flowering plants. On the contrary, if the plant has been soaked in too much sunlight, it will start shedding the new and old leaves or flowers concurrently.

Thus, one of the best solutions is to observe the plants, water them, and put them in shade and vice versa.

2. Feed & clean

Plants make their food to grow and sustain, but for boosting their growth, air-purifying plants need supplements/ fertilizers once a month to keep their immunity growing. For example, fertilizers like neem cake or nee powder can be easily mixed with water or given directly.

In addition, a spray of insecticides once a month is also mandatory so that the leaves & the plants stay disease-free.

Cleaning the plants with a gentle cloth is also essential to keep them dust-free. So, plant lovers who like to put extra effort into their cleaning can mix the plant shampoo in the water and spray that solution onto the leaves to keep them clean and shining.

3. Place the plants correctly

Most people crowd a corner of their house with the possible number of plants without paying attention to the fact that the plants have ample space to function and effectively remove the air pollutants.

So, the recommended distance between two good-sized air-purifying plants is 9.29 sq. So, 500 sq foot place, you can grow 5000 plants, which is equivalent to a mini forest.

You can place indoor plants like aloe vera in your bedroom and even in the sitting room because they make an excellent décor and add bright energy to the room.

Anthurium which is also known as the Flamingo plant is a low-maintenance houseplant. This tropical plant also has beautiful flowers in different colors like pink, red, white, and purple.