5 Creative Ways to Deal with Stress

black tea

Most doctors would agree with the statement, ‘stress kills’ and we are living in the 21st century, with a fast-paced life that can lead to a build-up of stress. Some people manage stress better than others and if you have a stressful career and there’s never enough time to do everything, here are a few creative ways to handle the stresses of 21st century life.

  1. Learn meditation techniques – The Buddhist practice of being with oneself is definitely one way to reduce or remove stress. Meditation involves allowing the conscious mind to focus on one thing, something mundane like your breathing or the ticking of a clock. Indeed, there are many ways to meditate; some sit cross-legged, some lay on their back and there are people who meditate while walking. YouTube can introduce you to a few popular ways to meditate; you only need a quiet, relaxing space and no disturbances. Even 15 minutes a day is enough to help you find a calmer disposition.
  2. Counselling – Sometimes, we just need someone to talk to and here in Australia, we have a good network of mental health counsellors and you can arrange a Zoom call with a qualified therapist who can help you change your perspective. Qualified counsellors are highly skilled in helping people find what it is that is really bothering them and they can guide the patient towards a workable solution.
  3. Yoga – This ancient Eastern discipline can work wonders if a person is suffering from stress and anxiety; experts say that yoga develops a person mentally, physically and spiritually. It’s all about holding certain physical poses, which tones the muscles; this discipline involves meditation and practitioners report a reduction in stress. A balanced way to approach life that many westerners are turning to in order to alleviate stress and anxiety. Sit down after a yoga session and enjoy a glass of black tea, which is known to have calming properties.
  4. Aromatherapy – Working with essential oils is very soothing; check out the free resources online about this unique practice. Immerse yourself in a mysterious and exotic world and explore the many different essential oils, which are known to reduce stress. Transform your home and create a soothing ambience using incense and candles.
  5. Find a passion – Many Australians get passionate about a hobby; it might be playing golf, a few hours fishing, how about gold hunting with a metal detector? Life suddenly takes on a new meaning when you can spend time doing something you love; experiment with new things, try hiking, play a frame of snooker or a rack of pool. You might stumble upon a passion and that can be life-changing.

Stress can lead to physical issues and the first step is recognizing you are experiencing stress, then and only then can you take positive steps to bring happiness into your life.