5 Things To Know About Facial Hair Transplant

facial hair transplant

Whenever you hear the word “hair transplant” it usually strikes with a perception of hair transplant on the head. However, hairs are vital for the aesthetic looks of individuals. But, they are not only related to the growth on the head. For men, a facial hair transplant is also important to grow beard hairs naturally using surgical processes. It is an important technique for those who do have not the proper growth of hairs on the face. This could be the result of hormonal imbalances, which also occur in males. Genetics plays a vital role in uneven beard growth, and it could also be due to burns and surgeries.

What is beard transplant?

Beard is becoming a worldwide trend for men as it indicates masculinity. However, folks consider different styles and sizes of beards, but the sole objective is common. The advancement in technology has enabled men to receive top-notch facial hair loss treatments. The process works typically with FUE, which provides implantation of hairs on bald facial areas. This process is precise, highly recommended, and safe for facial hair restorations. Under this process, the extracted hair follicles from the back and sides of hairs are implanted on bald sites. The process works by dividing the face into two parts with a dark marker. It is usually jaw and cheeks or sideburns. Another is the frontal area, such as mustaches and chin or goatee. The procedure is very effective, and one can get thicker and fuller beard growth in 8-9 months.

5 important things to know about facial hair transplants are below

Similar to head hair restoration

Beard hair restoration is similar to head hair restoration. The surgeon would extract hairs from the back and sides of the head. Then the extracted hair will be implanted into a bald face. However, the only difference is that it involves small incisions on the face than the head. The surgeon might also consider chest hairs if you do not have full hair growth on your head. Chest hairs are also important to consider for matching the right hair size, curls, and type of beard hairs. The procedure is the same for growth that will occur naturally on the face.

Boon for those who can’t grow a beard

If you are trying for years to grow a beard naturally but are consistently failed then it is not your fault. Dihydrotestosterone is the main culprit behind it, which is a male hormone. Your body is not responding actively to this hormone. Then the growth of facial hairs will be uneven, or not at all. A Beard transplant can provide you with fuller and thicker facial hairs. It can replicate natural hair growth to give you a masculine look.

The number of grafts can vary

Facial hair transplant is a precise cosmetic technique to provide you with desired beard style. Therefore, the number of hair grafts may vary from person to person. Normally, hairs on chin and mustache areas require 1000 to 1500 grafts. So, the overall graft requirements might reach up to 3000. But, it could vary when you have only small bald patches of facial hair. But, the need for more grafts would require in case of no growth of facial hairs.

Permanent results with trimming

Many folks usually have the misconception that implanted beard hairs grow unnaturally and appear as artificial hairs. But, this is only a myth that has been exposed by professional hair surgeons. The implanted hairs on the face grow naturally when accompanied by top-notch FUE techniques. They will give a natural appearance and can be trimmed and shaved like natural hairs. So, there is nothing to be worried about the appearance of beard hairs. However, the style and size of hairs might differ from person to person according to follicles implanted.

No shape limitation

Unlike the traditional hair transplantation methods, modern beard transplants enable users to have desired beard shape. There is no limitation relating to the shape of the facial hairs. You can tell your hair surgeon about the style, size, and shape that you want on your jawline. It will enable you to have an individual personality and looks. Therefore, beard transplant is an innovative and highly preferred facial restoration among males.

Benefits of facial hair restoration

Boost confidence

Men feel embarrassed for not having proper growth of hairs on mustaches, chin, and jawline. Therefore, the primary reason to have a beard transplant is to increase confidence. With this procedure, you can have thick, full, and dense hairs on the face. It will make you look masculine and appealing.

Beard protects skin

Having a beard can also protect your skin from sun damage. It can stop the UV rays from entering your skin. Moreover, it will keep your skin moisturized by maintaining natural oil.

Faster recovery

You can have a faster recovery with a beard transplant. You can have it from an expert and can recover quickly to return to your normal.

To sum up

A facial hair transplant is not a significant treatment to be worried about. It is safe, quick, and result-driven to provide fuller and thicker hair growth on the face. Moreover, you can have this treatment done at any time to get desired beard appearance. It will also provide you with natural growth and styling of hairs. Consult today with a hair surgeon to attain the desired beard on your face for strong manhood.