5 tips to teach your child to write an essay


The majority of schools teach students how to write essays as a fundamental skill. It is a technique for outlining an opinion on a specific subject that is backed up by sound reasoning and pertinent proof. However, children are now entering the “real world,” and this skill will be essential for their future success. They can also learn how to write essays from various essay help online tutors.

We’ve put together this article with five suggestions on how you can teach your child to write an essay because we know that it becomes difficult for teachers to teach essay writing in the classroom.

  1. Describe the Objective of an Essay

The first step in teaching your kids how to write essays is to ensure that they are aware of what an essay is. An essay is a formal piece of writing in which the author discusses a single subject while occasionally using examples and research to support their arguments. Teachers commonly use essays to give students writing practice during tests and exams.

Numerous crucial elements, such as the overall tone of the writing, word choice, etc., are determined by the essay’s purpose. It’s also crucial to think about how writing will help your child by giving them clear instructions. If you help your child establish a clear direction and describe what they should look for, writing will be much simpler for them.

  1. Select a Topic

Your child should first learn how to select essay topics. Students frequently have a topic assigned to them by the teacher, preventing them from having the chance to select a subject that truly interests them. Although picking an interesting topic can be easy, your child should also be aware of the kinds of subjects that make good essay topics.

For instance, it will be impossible to adequately cover a topic in a brief essay if it is too broad. In this situation, the best thing is to focus on a specific facet of the subject and narrow it down. Explain the value of selecting original topics for your children and teach them to select subjects that are simpler to research.

  1. Teach them the fundamentals of writing

A topic must be taught how to write an essay once it has been selected. There are several steps to writing an essay, which kids should learn how to complete in the following order: you might not have the necessary knowledge, but don’t worry—the experts at Assignment Help have you covered. In addition, the website has a straightforward beginner’s guide to picking the ideal topic.

  • Outlining their essay– A paper’s overall structure can be planned out with the aid of an outline, which also acts as the argument’s logical flowchart. By prioritizing ideas and information, one can organize it in an outline and decide what details belong in which paragraph. Of course, an outline can be more or less detailed, but it always aids in getting things started and determining what the desired outcome should be.
  • Formulating the essay’s body– According to the conventional essay format, you should write an introduction, body, and conclusion. This structure serves as the foundation for numerous essay types. More sections are unnecessary in essays because they are typically not very long. The introduction should begin with a concise and catchy hook before introducing the subject.

Since the introduction frequently concludes with a thesis statement that should capture the main idea of the entire essay, it usually makes sense to write it after the rest of the essay is finished. When the body of the essay is complete, it is much simpler to distil it into a thesis statement and create a compelling introduction.

The body should consist of three paragraphs in a five-paragraph essay. Every paragraph follows the same format as the entire essay. One of the main points should be introduced in the first sentence of each paragraph. The conclusion of the paragraph could either be a succinct summary of the main idea or a changeover to the next major idea that will be discussed in the following paragraph.

The conclusion should, in the end, wrap up the entire essay. For instance, a conclusion is a great place to consider the subject in a broader sense. Another effective strategy is to pose a pertinent question to readers at the conclusion of the essay.

  • A summary– The key points should be reiterated in a very succinct manner.

Reviewing the essay after completing the final draft is an excellent way to wrap up the writing assignment. Ask your child to sleep on the draft after they’ve finished it from their perspective, and then ask them to leave it alone for three days. Even during the three-day gap, they will have ideas that seem even better in their subconscious. All humans naturally think constantly, and they do so more effectively when there is no external pressure.

After three days, please go over the draft with your kid and have them make all the corrections. Then, when making the final edits, please encourage them to read and think like a reader.

  1. Distribute sample papers

It takes practice for your child to improve as an essay writer. You can give them practice essays to write once they are familiar with the assignment’s goals. Tell them that they will be given a topic and that they must write as much as they can about it in 500 words. While the average essay length is 1000 words, kids should start with shorter ones so they can track their development.

For instance, reading illustrations of excellent essays on pertinent subjects is a great solution. Your child will be able to comprehend what is required of them when they are told to write an essay at school if you do it this way. In addition, good examples of essays can give your child ideas for phrasing and structuring as well as inspiration.

  1. Promote practicing and reading

It will be crucial for your child to read other kids’ essays after they have written one on their chosen topic. In this way, they are able to observe the style and structure of a typical essay. For example, they could read essays written by their preferred politicians or celebrities.

After they have read a variety of essays, you can ask them to create some examples on their own. Inform them that they must adhere to the same tone and structure as the other texts. This will improve their writing abilities and teach them how to cite sources correctly in their writing. Let them practice a variety of simple topics before advancing to harder ones.

It is best to start early because learning how to write essays is a skill that will be helpful for years to come. Use these suggestions to see an improvement in your child’s essay writing.

Lastly, seek out professional assignment help if your child still needs more assistance. There are hundreds of writing tutors whose sole responsibility is to assist kids in becoming better writers. Just start looking through profiles and shortlist candidates based on your budget, needs, and qualification standards. Before your child begins working with a qualified writing tutor to improve their writing, you can even ask for a sample lesson.

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Wrapping up,

Teachers frequently assign students to write numerous essays on various subjects. However, this does not imply that students always receive the required instruction, which is why the writing process is frequently fraught with anxiety. To assist your child in learning to write essays, use our advice, and keep in mind that practice makes perfect.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with a number of pointers for instructing your kid to write essays. Your child will become a better writer by using these methods, and they may even get higher test scores as a result.

Author Bio:

Jack Thomas is a data analyst, and he has been associated with a reputed company for over the past ten years. In addition to this, he supervises essay help online at MyAssignmenthelp.com often.