7 Habits for Studying Effectively

secondary school Singapore

Being a good learner can be difficult without a road map or a clear plan. So, to help you out, we’ve made a list of 7 behaviours to help students succeed in the best Singapore schools.

#1 Be Proactive

Success isn’t something that can be achieved overnight. They must prepare well ahead of time and work hard for it by proactively pursuing their goals. This timely preparation reduces their risk and stress by avoiding last-minute panic before assignments and memorizing for tests the night before.

#2 Have a Strategy

High-achieving students schedule their days, study periods, and projects ahead of time. Successful students have a clear strategy for their studies, and they don’t get lost or bored since they have a clear road map.

It does not imply having a detailed career plan, but having a fair idea should be sufficient. For instance, what would they like to study? What university do they wish to attend? And what is needed to accomplish right now to make that happen?

#3 Have a Clear Focus 

High school students should keep long-term aspirations in mind over short-term ones. This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t watch TV or play video games, but it does imply they should prioritize their studies and relax when the work is completed.

#4 Minimize Distractions

This might be one of the most challenging aspects of studying for young students. Phones must be switched off while studying to prevent distractions, allowing them to focus. As a result, they work more effectively and quicker.

#5 Study Smart

Most successful students spend quality time studying and revising. They practice learning strategies to help them comprehend and retain information better and longer. Some quick tips to follow are:

  • Prepare for the class the night before
  • Sleep and wake up early each day 
  • Have a dedicated study space
  • Label your notes (differently) to find them later 
  • Study twice (before and after the class) and make notes every time 
  • When you’re studying, highlight the points you consider are most important
  • Take small pauses between studying sessions

Modern teaching methods and value-based education employed in Secondary Schools in Singapore provide a positive and enriching school environment. So enrolling them in a good school can give them a boost in their educational path.

#6 Be Helpful

Students should be friendly, helpful and empathetic. They should share valuable resources and help each other in understanding concepts. This way, they can brush up on their knowledge and ask for others’ help. They should be honest to their teachers about what they still don’t understand, despite their best attempts.

#7 Be Healthy

High achievers take care of themselves to maintain their efficiency day after day. That entails maintaining physical health by eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping at a consistent time. It also entails taking care of one’s mental and emotional well-being, taking time to relax, and building friendships, loving connections with family and friends.

Final Thoughts

Students that excel in school do so because they concentrate and work hard. They should understand that their success may be hampered at times but that this will provide them with an opportunity to grow and learn even more.