7 Questions You Should Ask An Alberta Land Surveyor

A land surveyor can help landowners get the best out of a piece of land.

With them being the people who know the land inside out, they can actually help in identifying the pros and cons of a piece of land. However, when getting a land surveyor on board, buyers and customers need to clarify a set of things.

No matter how good a land surveyor might be, at the end of the day, it becomes a buyer’s due diligence to ask the right questions before onboarding them. These sets of questions can actually make a difference and help land owners or buyers differentiate a good land surveyor from another.

Here are seven such questions that you can ask an Alberta land surveyor before onboarding them.

7 Questions To Ask Your Alberta Land Surveyor

1. Do you have liability insurance?
Liability insurance safeguards land owners from any liability related to any untoward incident that takes place on their lands while the surveyor and their team are working on it.

Asking about liability insurance before moving forward with any kind of work is essential. This doesn’t just protect the land owners’ interests but also showcases the degree of professionalism of the surveyor that is to be onboarded.

2. Are you aware of the local bylaws and compliances?
While this might not be a sure-shot requirement, it certainly helps to have a land surveyor on board who know their way around a city’s bylaws, regulations and compliances.

A local land surveyor knows about the city planning guidelines and can, hence, help land owners avoid any legal disputes or complications in the near future. The land surveyors who happen to know about a city’s municipal codes can help in proper construction planning on a land.

3. How long will this job take?
Land surveys involve a number of steps to be conducted. However, one thing that’s to be noted here is that no two land surveys are similar to one another.

Depending on the type of survey, the location and the overall conclusion that is to be derived from the survey report, the time taken for a survey might differ from one another.

4. What’s required from my end?
While Alberta land surveyors know their job and how to get it done, it is always beneficial to let them know of anything prior they begin with the survey.

It can make the entire process much more streamlined and effective. Anything about the land’s history, if there are any gas pipelines or any other installation, if intimated to the surveyor beforehand can help.

5. How experienced is your crew?
Determining the experience of the crew and the overall land survey company is a smart move. Experience counts, and more so when the thing in question is worth a lot.

Getting the Right Alberta Land Surveyor
Before taking any call on the land surveyor one goes for, it is essential to ask these questions. While many have inhibitions around asking these questions, these questions when asked correctly can end up proving to be very useful.

Most of the customers would want to hear an affirmative answer to the questions they ask the prospect land surveyor. One such Alberta land surveyor is Core Geomatics.

With more than a decade of existence and a group of technical experts across 8 locations around Alberta, they ensure that the customers get the best service for their requirements.

For more information about Land Surveying Services Calgary and Geomatics Survey Consultants Please Visit: CORE Geomatics.