6 Benefits of Creating Buyer Personas for Your Business

Creating Buyer Personas

Every 9 out of 10 business out there failed in their marketing strategy.

Nearly 70% of businesses cannot hit the revenue goal

Nearly 60% of the content and marketing strategy generate no response.


It is because most business owners believe–“EVERYONE IS MY AUDIENCE”

If you are selling to everyone, then presumably you are selling to none.

That’s a fact.

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is near it, will anybody know about it ever?”


Similarly, what if you created a bunch of good emails, marketing campaigns, and blog posts and they don’t resonate with your audience? Will it be effective? Will it help you achieve your short-term business goals? No. It is, therefore, crucial to create marketing campaigns and blogs that will interest your audience and prompt response to move further along the buyer’s journey.

For example: If someone is looking for an article regarding 24 hour loans in Ireland and you miss out on targeting that aspect in your blog, will it receive the desired response? Of course, no.

But can you channelize 70% of the traffic into conversions? Yes. You can!

Buyer personas.

What is a Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a research-based profile of your ideal customer that identifies the customer, helps one to know their personality, and launches marketing strategies accordingly.

When creating a buyer persona, consider demography, behavior patterns, goals, obstacles, desires, wants, what influences their decision-making while purchasing and, thus, will help you target the most specific and interested audience for your brand.

A product or service can have multiple buyer personas having different myths or perspectives regarding your product and the brand. And thus, businesses require personalized strategies and audience categories for successfully targeting the audience and setting the messaging across.

What Are the Benefits of Creating a Buyer Persona?

If you want to stand apart from your competitor and ensure an edge, you will need to do something that isn’t on their strategic table. You can make a mark there by creating a customer profile or buyer persona.

1) Better understanding of whom you are marketing

Personas help you better understand your prospects, current customers, and changing customer behavior. It will help you know your customer’s desires, preferences, dislikes, habits, demography, pain points, and preferred shopping methods.

Knowing them on a deeper level will help you connect on a better note with them. It is all about valuing your customers’ preferences and surprising them by exceeding their expectations.

2) Maximize the number of quality leads

Imagine if you had complete data regarding:

  • What does your customer do?
  • Where does he/she hang out on Saturday nights?
  • Which blogs and personalities do they follow?
  • What are their needs/demands/wants?
  • What are their obstacles to buying?
  • Why are they seeking a switch from the previous brand? 

You have the whole treasure with you which you can use to filter out quality leads from the poor and non-interested ones. You can leverage this information to create personalized emails and marketing campaigns. Offers launched specifically catering to the category will help you encounter a major boost in sales.

3) Discover relevant keywords and phrases

How do you feel when you see the exact thing online that’s going in your mind? You feel shocked and elated, right?

Well, that’s what you can do with a buyer persona.

In-depth research can help you identify the phrases people typically use to search for a product or service online. Therefore, create a long-tail keyword and optimize your website accordingly. Additionally, it will increase your site’s visibility in the search engines, in addition to providing value to your readers.

4) Ideas for Content creation and topics

With a comprehensive picture of your ideal buyer, you cannot send personalized email messages and optimize the website, but also uncover topics they are searching for online. You can use these queries as a part of your content strategy for blogs, e-books, emails, newsletters, case studies, videos, or infographics.

What will be the response to a video to which a customer has been searching endlessly online?

How would you feel if your customer came across a blog that provided the answer to a long-standing question?

It is the power of buyer personas for your business. A customer-first connects, understands the brand motive, and then carries out his first transaction with the brand. And therefore, it is important to know your customer on a personal level and provide value that encourages a strong bond and bridges every obstacle to a wonderful customer experience.

5) Use personas consistently across your business

You can use this strategy to understand if one customer refers to your other. By segmenting and creating buyer personas, you can easily identify the right customer and reward him accordingly.

Because of creating buyer personas, a consistent and clear understanding of each target group of customers can be created within the company or business to launch successful marketing campaigns. This information is incredibly useful for your sales team.

If you know your prospects and customers beforehand, you can easily pitch your idea by wearing their pants. The sales team will be familiar with the questions and the obstacles a prospect might have and thus will educate them and interact in a personalized way. The sales team will clearly understand how to convert this customer and close the sale.

6) Product or service development


Creating buyer personas will not only help you generate quality leads, valuable content, personalized emails, and marketing campaigns, they will also help you develop your product and services.

With well-developed personas, you can create and market your product and services in a way that piques their interest and draws them towards your brand. Customers like it when a brand provides something that’s on their mind and thus use loans like provident in Ireland to invest in their favorite brand. It is a great opportunity for a brand to expand its customer base. Identify-

  • How is this product/service different from what’s already on the market?
  • What additional feature/ benefit could flood sales?
  • What does a customer expect from your brand/product?
  • How does a product help solve a customer’s problem or ease his lifestyle?
  • What is your product’s USP?

Identifying these will assist you in launching a product that is the product of your customer’s imagination. And thus, this is how the buyer persona re-defines marketing and product development at a new level.

Yeah, it may be tiresome to pen down the buyer persona with different needs and perspectives, but once you do, filtering them through the funnel becomes a simple deal. So, comment on how you leveraged buyer personas for your business success?