The best medical insurance you must know

Choosing the best health insurance is not an easy task, since it is a product with a multitude of different coverages. Also keep in mind that many of the health insurances offered by insurers have grace periods and copays, which you should also keep in mind when choosing one or the other.

Next, we will analyze the best health insurance that currently exists on the market, both without copay and with copay, so that you can know the pros and cons of each of them.

What are the best medical insurances without copay?

Health insurance without copay are those in which the payment of the premium allows you to access the company’s medical chart without having to pay an extra for each use you make of it.

Among the best medical insurance without copay currently in existence, the following deserve special mention:

Adeslas PLENA Plus

Adeslas PLENA Plus is a private health insurance that gives you the maximum coverage without any type of additional copay. This means that the monthly fee will always be the same, regardless of the use you make of the different medical services. By contracting this policy you will have access to general medicine services and all medical specialties. It also includes hospital admissions, surgical interventions, emergencies, assistance during pregnancy, and childbirth and everything related to it. This insurance also includes all kinds of diagnostic tests, including high-tech ones.

DKV Comprehensive Elite

DKV Integral Elite is private health insurance that grants you the maximum care coverage, both at the hospital and out-of-hospital level. It has the added advantage of not requiring any type of additional copay for medical services rendered. Among its main coverage is primary care, all medical specialties, hospitalization and necessary surgical interventions, medical treatments and diagnostic tests. It has more than 40,000 doctors and 1,000 hospitals distributed throughout the national territory. This health policy also includes Dental Insurance, without any further cost.

Asisa Active Plus

Asisa Activa Plus is a complete medical insurance that offers comprehensive medical and health assistance of the highest quality. This insurance guarantees you the broadest medical coverage at the best price and without copay. Among its many coverages are primary medicine services, all kinds of medical specialties, clinical tests, surgical interventions, emergency services, outpatient surgery, implants and prostheses, hospitalization and preventive medicine. It has an extensive and excellent medical team, as well as various hospital centers of its own, such as the HLA Hospital Group.

What are the best medical insurances with copay?

In medical card insurance with copay , you will initially pay a cheaper premium, but in return you will have to pay a percentage of the cost of the medical services you use. In some cases, what is known as a “copayment limit” is established. This limit constitutes the annual maximum that you will have to satisfy as a copay, so that, once you have reached it, you will no longer have to pay for new consultations.

Within the ranking of the best health insurance with copay deserve to be:

Sanitas MORE HEALTH Optimal

Sanitas MÁS SALUD Óptima is a health insurance policy for complete healthcare, of the highest quality and access to the entire Sanitas medical chart. It offers the maximum coverage, with a very affordable premium and an advantageous co-payment structure. Its coverage includes primary medicine, all medical specialties without restrictions, diagnostic tests (ultrasounds, x-rays, clinical tests, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.), therapeutic methods, hospitalization, surgical interventions and dental coverage. This insurance is characterized by a magnificent national medical staff and Sanitas’ own hospital centers, such as the La Moraleja University Hospital, the Milenium medical centers, the CIMA Hospital and the La Zarzuela University Hospital, among others.


AXA OPTIMA Familiar L is health insurance that offers you an excellent medical chart, a very reasonable price and a co-payment system with an annual limit of 450 euros per insured person per year. This insurance has the maximum coverage: general medicine, all medical specialties, preventive medicine, emergency services, medical treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tests and hospitalization, among many others.

Caser Active Health

Caser Salud ACTIVA is a complete health care insurance with a copayment limited to 360 euros per insured person per year. This policy covers both primary care and the different medical specialties, in addition to hospitalization. Its coverage also includes emergency services, diagnostic tests, surgical interventions, prostheses and special medical treatments. It also provides you with assisted reproduction coverage. All this with the guarantee of a leading health company that has an extensive medical staff nationwide.

How to choose the best health insurance?

When choosing a medical insurance or another, you should pay attention above all to what your specific health requirements are. The most advisable thing is that before contracting anything, you make an exhaustive comparison between the products offered by the main insurance companies.

To carry out this comparison, there is nothing more practical than using the health insurance comparator . It is a very complete comparator, fast and easy to use. Thanks to it you will obtain in a few minutes a real-time comparison of the best medical insurance, which will allow you to choose the policy that best suits your specific needs and the type of use you are going to make of your health insurance.