The process of choosing the right EV charger in India

An electrical vehicle is becoming advanced every passing day. Their use is no longer limited, as possibility of clean energy exists as EV charging companies in India have evolved considering their enormous potential. Are you aware about the process of choosing a proper EV charger? When you are on the move external points can be used, but even when the vehicle is not in use you would like to charge them. EV charger companies advocate there are some pointers to consider before you choose an EV charger

Type 1 or type 2 charger

The choice is dependent upon what is based and the model you are charging. EV is something that is well equipped with a couple of cables, so that chargers with a couple of outlets will be used.

The choice of the right EV charger is dependent on how far you are looking to travel. There is always a consideration of electrical costs and how you can derive benefits from off – peak rates. Though the choice centres around level 1 and level 2 charging. It even depends you are charging your home or running a business. Even the range of travel happens to be a factor too. 

When it is a commercial level business a level 2 chargers is slow since it would take an entire day to charge a EV. They are more suited for domestic use and level 2 allows for multiple chargers to be serviced the same time.

16 amp or 32 Amp

The charging time is also dependent on how superior Amp that you use. Once again it is dependent upon the model of vehicle that you use. You may use a 32 amp charger if the EV charger has a larger board capacity as the cable is going to cost twice as much. In the long run it is going to provide substantial amount of savings.

Single phase of triple phase

The standard domestic power sources tend to be single phase AC, whereas commercial units are of triple phase. If you are plugging EV onto a standard single phase electrical socket, this 24 AK battery will be taking around 8 hours to 12 hours to be charging to full capacity.

Even charging cables are available that switch from single to triple phase, that tends to make the vehicle more versatile. It is possible for most EVs to be charged with a single or triple phase charger. For commercial purposes a fast charger is worth the investment due to its increased power, speed and capacity.

When it is a commercial level business a level 2 chargers is slow since it would take an entire day to charge a EV. 

Domestic conversions of electrical supply is AC, but a lot of electrical devices tends to be operational on DC. If the vehicle is known to have an integrated charger, it will go on to convert the current automatically, but there are some charging stations which supply DC on to AC by conversion of AC at the point of supply.

This is going to make the process of charging faster and an ideal bet for commercial enterprises.