How to use Instagram’s Content Calendar

The notion of creating the idea of an Instagram content calendar can be, at the very least, an effort and, at worst, a daunting task that you’re not aware of how to approach.

I get it. I do!

What if I told you that the Instagram content calendar could be your best friend because every single Instagram-shared post can is an Instagram latergram?

A more significant share is only available “in the present.”

No greater flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, posting your main-feed content material one day at a time.


Because a profitable Instagram marketing strategy for 2019 doesn’t mean you have to spend all your precious time and energy on specifically main-feed content.

It’s about creating relationships with your desired market and displaying them your Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories.

This means that you’re required the chance to rethink your priorities; in other words, chart your Instagram main feed ahead of time, with a content calendar that is full of high-quality and consistent images.

Once you have that setup in autopilot mode, you grant yourself the opportunity to focus on the bigger picture of your business and business goals.

In addition to any other information, let’s get straight into 10 tips to create your Instagram feed ahead of time.

How do I make an Instagram content calendar

Make your Instagram profile more attractive

If you’re slightly confused by tip number one, listen to me. There’s no reason to get to a high level of success creating content for your feed if your Instagram bio isn’t properly optimized to be successful.


Since once you’ve shared quality, relevant images regularly, more and more people will try to look like they’re following your friend. Get real Instagram followers by visiting comprar seguidores instagram portugal now. The first thing they’ll do before they click “follow” is check out to see your Instagram bio.

If you don’t have a concise description, a relevant image of your profile, or an intriguing call-to-action (CTA), it is possible that you risk not being able to attract new followers since they don’t know who you are and what you’re all about.

  • It could be the only chance to get their attention. So avoid not updating the details of your Instagram bio!
  • If you run a service-oriented company, ensure that you have a clear picture of yourself, as your image on your profile.
  • If you’re an enterprise based on products, then it’s a good idea to utilize your logo/branding as your profile image.

Three final tips for optimizing your Instagram bio:

  • Limit your bio’s length to 20 or fewer words (to ensure that no information is removed)
  • Create a searchable keyword that users type into the Instagram search bar to locate you.
  • Don’t forget to add a reputable name to your motion that entices people to book an appointment with you or download an offer/join your newsletter/visit your site.

Instagram for those who are experts in online advertising:

  • Make your Instagram bio before you schedule posts.

Another great illustration is by way of Desenio (@desenio) is, an online shop for art prints:

  • Optimize your Instagram bio to promote your business
  • Now, make sure to make your profile appear on your own Instagram bio profile.
  • Does it include all of the above?

Does it have the correct settings to allow you to grow those Instagram users?

If you’re unsure, go back and give yourself a perfect look at the bio area. It’s, in fact, the first thing that people will encounter when they arrive at your profile, and you must write a perfect bio before you invest time in your feed strategy.

After you’ve finished, move on to the next tip:

Pick your material buckets of content or thematic areas

One of the most effective methods to alleviate the stress of making plans for your Instagram feed time is to select Instagram subjects and “content buckets.”

I would suggest choosing three to four options and then changing them throughout the month.

  • Some ideas for content buckets comprise…
  • Locations (travel photos, your office, your home, etc.))
  • People (you/your team, customers, or your customers)
  • Product shots

Quotes and graphics (inspiring cost or testimonials)

Flat-lays (the tools you’ll use when you’re creative and want to share the product you create in conjunction alongside others)

You could also want to choose 3-4 Instagram themes, such as:

  • Life in the workplace
  • Family
  • Interiors
  • Beauty

What you choose will depend on what’s most beneficial for your business or brand — and, more important, what resonates powerfully with your intended audience.

According to legendary brand Marty Neumeier:

  • “Your brand isn’t just what you claim it to be. It’s what the people say it is.”
  • Similar applies to the Instagram account you have. Instagram account.
  • Your feed’s main content must reflect your ideal follower and their beliefs.
  • Test them for one or two months once you’ve decided on your themes/content material buckets.
  • Examine what is most appealing to your target market and what doesn’t, and then switch one bucket of content materials for another.
  • For instance, try to create a “product as well as people” photo instead of “product images.”

Instagram is all about learning, testing, and then enhancing.

Be aware of the necessary national days

There are times when a specific holiday or day will be suitable for your business and its target customers, but you need to be aware of the events happening if it’s applicable.


If a national holiday affects your intended viewers, there’s an excellent opportunity to design content that resonates with them.

An Instagram Content Material Calendar can aid you in continuing to keep ahead of holidays on social media and the usual holiday trips like Valentine’s Day and the Fourth of July.

Be cautious about jumping on one to get a better deal (is it essential to enjoy yourself #NationalDreamDay?) But don’t be afraid to be innovative.

Iconosquare offers a very user-friendly Social Media Calendar integrated immediately into its Scheduler, which means you’ll be able to easily keep yourself updated on essential holidays and social media-related events which are scheduled:

What can this do to improve how you can improve your Instagram strategy?

For instance, protecting the environment is a significant part of your mission statement; International Coastal Cleanup Day could be an excellent chance to raise your company’s profile and connect with your target audience.

Make sure you have a company voice

To efficiently chart and plan your Instagram content calendar ahead of time, you must ensure that your brand has a voice.

This is because you’ll be creating batch photos and captions. So the more specific you’re about what you’re saying, the better environmental-friendly your method will be.

Do you think your voice will be soothing and comforting or honest and humorous?

  • Are you willing to swear?
  • Do you plan to make use of Slang?
  • If you’re confused about the voice of your business, start with the values of your brand.
  • Think about other businesses that have great corporate voices that you love.

Jot off a handful of words

These could comprise adjectives (e.g., professional, humorous, and inspiring). They can also be non-descriptive words or phrases (e.g., “momentum,” mentor love, mentor).

Check your abilities

Don’t let a lack of time/energy/understanding stand between you and your Instagram success.

In that sense, I would suggest that many businesses and entrepreneurs become stuck on Instagram because they feel overwhelmed by the volume of the creation of content.

Do you remember what I said at the top of this blog?

It would help if you didn’t spend your precious time and energy worrying about the content of your feed. You prefer to have it working automatically!

This is why I would like you to become enthralled with your skills right now

  • Have you got the resources and time to make an entire set of photos at the start of each month (more details on this method in the following guide)?
  • Perhaps it would be more beneficial to outsource this work to a photographer and leave the method of briefing and ideas your own?
  • Can you draw using a sketching tool like Canva to design prices images?
  • Is this something you should outsource to an online site like Fiverr?

Outsourcing is a practice that many people avoid because of financial reasons and a sense of guilt, which is a false one. Should be doing everything ourselves.

Suppose you can work with any person who can help you return your time and energy to concentrate on what is essential (creating amazing Stories and engaging with your followers). In that case, you’re committing to achieving success on Instagram for 2019!

Create time slots for content creation within your work schedule

Once you’ve decided on your buckets of content material or themes and decide whether to do the photography yourself or hire a professional, you can book time in your calendar to create!

You’d like to arrive at the point where you’re planning and developing your content (your images and captions) in a way that is enhanced the best way possible, at least one month ahead.

In this case, if you’re planning to develop and plan the July content, you’ll be doing this sometime within the beginning of June.

So, all you have to do over the next few weeks is click “post” on Instagram. Instagram app or set your post to stay on autopilot via a third-party device, such as Iconosquare. It may not be easy to sketch your content away in advance, but you should first take the process one step at a time.

Be aware of the perfect occasions to post for you.

If you’ve just begun using Instagram in your company, You may not have the correct information to understand the ideal time to make posts on Instagram.

If this is the case, you should begin by choosing and adhering to a regular posting schedule. (My suggestion is to post 3 times per week.)

Editor’s note:

Two times per week is acceptable, but you should not publish more frequently. Instagram does reward its users who are engaged on its platform, and If you’re consistent with your posts, it rewards you by giving you greater recognition.

But, not post daily as well, or God would it be so, numerous times every day. It is long gone that Instagram spamming have long gone!

  • It isn’t a good idea to publish on the same day each week, but be sure you’re posting simultaneously.
  • As time passes, you’ll gain a wealth of knowledge to identify the most effective times to post.
  • Are you in the morning or evening?
  • Do weekdays perform better than weekends?

Once you know what is well with your followers and what they like, you can alter your Instagram schedule accordingly.

Make use of a tool for scheduling

The beauty of an application for scheduling, like Iconosquare, is that it no longer just is an enviable Instagram Partner; it is also an all-encompassing platform that lets you design your feed as well as plan the timing of your Instagram posts, fine-tune your Instagram analytics to the highest level and handle all conversations and feedback from one location.

It takes the pressure and stresses away from posting to your feed every week, giving you the much-needed headspace to focus your focus on enticing your followers. If you’re not quite set to invest in a device that is paid for, you may use the old-fashioned Excel.

This isn’t a way to naturally post directly on your behalf, but it allows you to look over all your content and captions in one spot. It may be a particular addiction you develop to simplify your Instagram strategy before investing in software.

Fun fact:

While I was working on my Instagram strategy for Canon UK, we used the Excel spreadsheet to plan every aspect of the Instagram content!

Make a plan for the content of your Instagram Stories week-by-week

Instagram Stories have become more crucial than ever — just in case you were in doubt!

Let’s look at the following facts:

Fifty per cent of humans have said they were influenced by an item or service on the internet after seeing it in Instagram Stories.

62% of human beings claimed to have become more fascinated by a brand or product after viewing it in Stories. Then, one-third of the most popular Instagram Stories are made by companies and brands. It would be a shame to miss out on reaching your audience where they are telling stories!

The best part is that, with your main-feed content running on autopilot, you can focus on creating super-interesting Instagram Stories week-by-week. Visit comprar seguidores instagram to know more updates about Instagram. This means that you can sit down on an evening on a Sunday and prepare 3-to 4 Instagram Stories that you could post during the next seven days.

Are there any matches you’re going to attend that you be interested in sharing some behind-the-scenes from?

Have you recently received reviews from your customers that you would like to publish?

Here are some alternative Instagram Story Ideas:

  • Demo your service/product
  • Get sneak peeks at an upcoming service or product
  • Host the Q& A
  • Introduce your team members as contributors
  • Turn a blog entry into a video with a talking head that highlights the blog post’s bullet points.
  • Find out who your market is behind the scenes of your day/morning/new project.

If the thought of showing up on Instagram Stories is what’s retaining you from growing, you can do it! However, it might feel uncomfortable initially, but it will become easier when you conquer your shyness.

Analyze the results, tweak and optimize

The most crucial element of establishing a successful Instagram content calendar is the one that follows.

Then there is the final piece that follows comes to the analysis

The choice of content buckets and the captions for your content doesn’t mean anything without a thorough examination of the best approach for your audience and then tweaking your approach to suit.

If something isn’t being carried out in the way you had hoped, it isn’t indicating that you’re doing Instagram “wrong.”

Social media changes frequently

As a result, we as companies makers, manufacturers, and marketers must constantly evaluate what we’re doing to see whether it’s still effective.

This is the fun that social media brings: attempts, failing and adjusting tactics, optimizing content, and continually developing and improving your Instagram strategy.

Therefore, ensure that you’re checking your analytics on Instagram every month at a minimum. For Stories, the focus of attention is the retention rate (i.e., the percentage of people watching your Story from the beginning to the closing).

You want to boost this number with each Story you post. In the case of in-feed content, try not to focus on follower counts and likes. Instead, the focus is on engagement rates, DMs’ diversity, and conversions. These are the most crucial Instagram metrics.


Since it is a sign that the material you are putting out is any doubt attracting attention which leads to conversations in comments and DMs increasing the number of people who subscribe to your content and revenue through email clicks and website clicks.

There are plenty of Instagram metrics to be found, and you don’t have to keep track of each one. It’s all about your goals and overall Instagram marketing strategy. There aren’t two precisely identical companies. Therefore it isn’t logical to examine and disclose the same metrics because your competition is doing it.

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