Which color braces make your teeth look white?

Many people associate the color pink with braces, and it’s easy to see why—who doesn’t want pretty white teeth? However, there are several different shades of pink braces on the market. They can range from bubble gum pink to Barbie pink, and it’s important to know which shade of braces will make your teeth look the whitest before committing to wearing them every day for up to two years!

It all starts with tooth whitening

Before you can even think about how to put on pink braces and create a new smile, you need to ensure that your teeth are as white as possible. One of the best ways to do that is through whitening toothpaste and professional treatments. Make sure that, at least one week before trying out any new method for putting on pink braces, you’ve completely removed any traces of plaque or tartar buildup from both you and your teeth; otherwise, stains will form very quickly, causing discoloration. In addition to using toothpaste with whitening agents in it (like peroxide or baking soda), pay special attention when brushing near brackets or other hardware. Those spots have a tendency to hide spots and streaks easily.

What kind of results can you expect?

Braces have a reputation for being hideously noticeable, but there are many different colors and types that can help to make you feel more comfortable with having them on. Ask any orthodontist which color of brace makes their patients’ teeth look whiter, and they will likely say clear ceramic braces. This is because a clear ceramic retainer fits perfectly over each tooth and matches both natural smiles and invisalign.

Your orthodontist can also tell you which shade of retainer is right for you depending on how bright you want your smile to be. In addition to choosing between clear ceramic or pink retainers, you can even get metal or plastic braces if you would prefer something less conspicuous. For example, metal brackets are more durable than ceramic ones, so they may last longer even though they’re slightly larger. Plastic brackets aren’t as sturdy as metal ones but don’t stand out as much when worn either. So whether you’re going for a subtle or bolder look, there’s an option out there for everyone!

When should you get braces if you have stained teeth?

If you’re struggling with stained or yellowing teeth, you may be considering whether to get a bleaching treatment or opt for a whiter smile through Invisalign. While they’re both cosmetic options that offer an alternative to traditional braces, it really comes down to what is best for your individual situation. If you have colored stains on your front teeth that aren’t particularly stubborn, whitening treatments are likely all you need. However, if you have discoloration on multiple teeth throughout your mouth or deeply-stained bottom incisors, Invisalign might be a better option. Ask our professionals in Germantown about which type of cosmetic solution is right for you!

How long will it take to achieve my desired smile?

This is a tricky question, since everyone’s smile is different. However, it typically takes anywhere from one to two years to see final results with clear aligners and six months or less with metal braces. The important thing to remember is that every patient experiences different time frames due to varying factors such as oral habits and individual growth rates. One of our orthodontists will work closely with you throughout treatment so you can set realistic expectations and avoid potential pitfalls of treatment. If we need to revise your treatment plan in order to ensure success, we will do so without any hesitation.

How much do Invisalign® aligners cost in 2019?

One of today’s most popular orthodontic options is Invisalign® invisible aligners. But, as with any dental procedure, there are questions about cost. How much do Invisalign® aligners cost in 2019? We have answers! An average Invisalign® package can range from $2,500 to $7,000. There are many factors that go into those costs and one of them is how long it takes you to achieve optimal results. For example, if you like pink braces and they help your appearance, then yes they may be worth it to you but ultimately you decide how long it takes for you achieve optimal results while wearing Pink Braces® depending on if they fit into your budget or not.

Can I wear Invisalign® when I sleep at night and during the day?

While orthodontic patients should wear their aligners at least 22 hours per day, if you’re sleeping and you don’t want to disturb your Invisalign® aligners, leave them in for as long as possible. However, you shouldn’t sleep with them on. Instead, remove them before going to bed. Your mouth needs time to rest without pressure from aligners—especially when you sleep! If you take them out before bedtime but fall asleep without putting them back in, do it as soon as possible when you wake up. The same goes for activities like sports or exercise; put Invisalign® away while they aren’t protecting your teeth or moving them forward toward a straighter smile.

Will Invisalign® be covered by my dental insurance plan?

Invisalign® will not be covered by dental insurance plans in many cases, because they are a form of orthodontic treatment. You can ask your provider if there is a possibility that Invisalign® would be covered; some carriers may choose to offer coverage depending on whether or not you have an oral health-related pre-existing condition that could benefit from orthodontic treatment. To find out how Invisalign® pricing compares to other dental payment options, ask your dentist. They’ll help determine what type of payment plan will work best for you.