Okra Cultivation in India with Essential Information

Okra Cultivation in India with Essential Information

Ladyfinger or okra, also known as ‘Bhindi’, is one of the important vegetable crops of India. You can grow it throughout tropical and subtropical regions and in warm parts of temperate regions. Okra or lady’s finger the plant belongs to the Malvaceae family. The nutritional value of 100 grams of edible bhindi is characterized by 1.9 grams of protein, 6.4 grams of carbohydrates, 0.2 grams of fat, 0.7 grams of minerals and 1.2 grams of fibre. 

Bhindi or okra is a foreign exchange crop and contains good potential and accounts for 65% of the export of fresh vegetables. You can cultivate in an area of ​​0.35 million ha, with a production of 3.5 million tonnes and a productivity of 9.6 million tonnes/ha. India’s major ladyfinger/okra producing states are West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.

Process of Okra Farming 

You should know which equipment is best for okra cultivation conditions for ideal okra cultivation conditions. A variety of equipment is used in okra cultivation, such as tractors, implements and harvesters. You can choose the Sonalika tractor for okra farming. Also, we can recommend Swaraj tractor, Mahindra tractor and more. Here we are showing the ideal conditions for okra cultivation.

1. Growing Okra- Climatic Requirement

Okra require a long warm season during their growing period. It gives a good yield in hot, humid conditions. This vegetable grows best within the temperature range of 22 °C to 35 °C. You can grow it successfully in a rainy season, even in heavy rainfall. Okra is susceptible to frostbite and  seeds of this crop do not germinate when the temperature is below 20°C.

2. Okra Farming – Soil Requirement 

You can grow okra or bhindi well in all kinds of soil. But clay-loam and sandy loam soil are best for its cultivation. The optimum pH range of soil is between 6 to 6.8. During the land preparation, soil with high organic content is preferable. Because cartloads of FYM (Farmyard Manure) or compost should be incorporated, also, the soil must have good internal drainage.

3. Okra Farming – Land Preparation

You should prepare the land with 2 to 3 ploughing. Farmers sow the okra on ridges or on flat soil, and also, you should sow on ridges. Application of organic manure such as poultry manure and neem cake improve the yield and plant growth in the crop. You should reduce the use of fertilizer through poultry manures and neem cake.  

4. Soil Sterilization

You can achieve soil sterilization through both physical and chemical means. Physical control measures include treatment with steam and solar energy. Chemical control methods include treatment with fumigants and herbicides. You can also achieve soil sterilization using a transparent plastic mulch film. The incoming solar radiation penetrates the transparent plastic film during soil solarisation and is absorbed into the soil. The radiation is converted into heat energy, raising soil temperature and killing many soil-borne organisms, including plant pathogens and pests.

5. Seed Rate and Sowing Time

The seed rate of okra is about 3.5-5.5 kg seed/ha in the summer season and 8-10 kg seed/ha for the rainy season crop. Seed rates generally vary with germination percentage, spacing and season. Before sowing, soak the seeds in Bavistin (0.2%) solution for 6 hours. You sow the seeds at a 60 x 30 cm distance on either side of the troughs during the Kharif season and 30 x 30 cm in the summer season.

6. Irrigation/Water Supply

Okra crop requires sufficient soil moisture during the summer months for rapid growth. Drip irrigation is best suited for okra crops throughout the season as it provides uniform moisture. The daily water requirement for 7.6 ltr/day/4 during the peak stage of plant growth and okra crops is 2.4 ltr/day/4 during the early growth stage of the plants. 

You should operate the irrigation system with an emitting capacity of 2 litres per hour for 75 minutes daily during the early growth stage and 228 minutes during the peak growth of the crop. Preference is given to supply of water with online type drippers every day or on alternate days for the benefits of a drip irrigation system.

7. Weed Control in Okra Farming

You can harvest the okra over a long period, and weed control is an important cultural task. Weeding, hoeing and soiling of okra are important intercultural operations. In the rainy season crop, the soil should be applied in rows. The use of the herbicide has been found effective for weed control in okra. Weeds are effectively controlled by Tok-E-25 @ 5 litres per hectare and mixing Basalin (Fluchloralin 48%) @ 1-2 litres per hectare of soil. Shallow rooted inter-row cultivation and hand weeding can be used to reduce weeds in the inter-row area. Black plastic mulch can be used to suppress weed growth. Black plastic mulch also keeps the soil warm and encourages plant growth.

8. Pests and Diseases in Okra Farming

Control measures for pests and diseases depend on the type and intensity of the problem. Flea beetles are the major pest for ladybugs. This can be controlled with a row cover or application of rotenone or pyrethrin. Okra is susceptible to Fusarium, Verticillium and many other fungal diseases in wet weather. You can control these diseases through proper crop rotation in okra cultivation and good garden hygiene practices.

9. Harvesting of Okra or Bhindi 

After sowing the seed, flowering develops about 35 to 40 days. You can harvest the crop in 55 to 65 days when pods are 2 to 3 inches long after planting. The pods of the big ladyfinger are tough and fibrous. Round-podded okra varieties remain tender to the large pod shape and are good to use for freezing and slicing. Since okra grows very fast, you should harvest it every couple of days. You should not allow pods to mature on the plant as this will prevent more pods from reducing the plant’s productivity. Farmers should handle the okra with care as the pods break easily.

With the guidance of okra farming, you should also know the agriculture equipment, such as tractors, implements, and harvesters. The tractor is the most prominent among them. The Massey Ferguson tractor is the best in the farming operation. Moreover, you can choose many popular tractor brands such as Swaraj, Sonalika, Massey Ferguson tractor and many more.

For more information regarding okra farming in India, stay tuned with us.