Laser Hair Restoration Theradome

As people age, both males, as well as women, may experience hair loss that is an alarmingly high rate. This isn’t a concern that anyone is expecting to confront till later on in their lives, however, a lot of people discover their hair is beginning to lose its luster while in their 30s or perhaps younger. When sudden hair loss strips one of their youthful looks and confidence What do you do?

There are a variety of treatment options available that range from hair implants to PRP hair restoration along with Laser hair repair treatments. One of the most advanced systems has been shown to have noticeable results and can be performed within the comfort of the home. If you think you’d consider this at-home method of hair restoration go to Hair Transplant Los Angeles.


Low-level light therapy is a therapeutic option for persons suffering from male and female pattern hair loss. The use of laser red light to stimulate and energize the cells inside the hair follicle has been shown to be beneficial.


How does the Theradome work

The Theradome is a soft helmet that provides laser hair restoration therapy straight to the scalp once it is placed on the head and activated. The lasers stimulate hair follicles and reduce hair loss through four major factors:

  • The most effective cold-laser technology. Lasers are the only light-based form of piercing the scalp to an extent of 3-5 millimeters which is the minimum required to stimulate hair follicles. A special cold laser system ensures stimulation of mitochondria (the natural cell’s powerhouse) within hair follicle cells in order to encourage growth.
  • The strength of the bright red radiation. Red light is the only light source that human tissue can successfully absorb and absorb. And no other type of light has the capability of effectively attuning hair follicles. The wavelength of the red light that is utilized in hair restoration is only able to vary by 8 nanometers for it to be effective. Theradome’s lasers are extremely precise and stay within the narrow spectrum needed to trigger natural hair regeneration.
  • The optimal energy dosage. As with any medical procedure, the amount of energy utilized must be within a specific range to be secure and efficient. Theradome creates the appropriate amount of therapeutic energy, which has been demonstrated in research studies to be efficient in promoting hair density and growth.
  • Most benefit for the most minimal time. The laser technology of Theradome has been optimized to ensure that the best therapeutic benefits is achieved in less than twenty minutes. Two 20-minute sessions a week are recommended to achieve the best results.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on hair transplants that might or may not work, and are often unnatural, leaving marks. Or choosing a treatment option that requires frequent visits to the doctor’s clinic to keep in check, why not try Theradome? After a quick, one-time purchase and you’ll have everything you require to receive regular hair growth treatment without ever leaving your home. The Theradome is easy to use and comfortable and you’ll be able to multi-task when wearing it. And without wasting time out of your hectic schedule.