IGrow Vs Hairmax Hair Growth System

Thanks to advances in technology that has been made possible, there is no necessity for costly hair transplants as laser hair growth products such as the IGrow and Hairmax are available. If not fully, can assist in regaining hair loss and hair loss to a degree.

A poor-quality diet, as well as bad habits like drinking, smoking and more, have resulted in an exponential growth in hair loss between women and men. In the present, loss of hair begins even before an early age. Statistics show that at reaching the age of 35, around 40% of people suffer from this.

With the aid of these items, numerous users are experiencing amazing outcomes and are able to solve their hair loss issues one-for-all.

Although we’d be comparably iGrow with Hairmax hair-safety helmets believe the other product is superior to both.


Working on IGrow and HairMax

While these products come from different companies and have distinct styles, they have the same functions. In this article, we’ll examine what we can learn from the IGrow Vs Hairmax results.

Both are laser-based products for preventing hair loss. They can reduce inflammation of your hair follicles, while also increasing supply of blood into the region.

The blood flow stimulation to your hair follicles will make hair grow longer and fuller, which helps you prevent loss of hair.

While other hair-recovery devices use leds Hairmax utilizes lasers built into the device that is safe and utilize high-quality medical diodes.

These lenses are specifically designed to focus with a focal length of 655 nanometers, which allows for maximum effectiveness, ensuring the required concentration to promote hair growth.

The Hairmax utilizes specialized red lasers in its process. There are different wavelengths of lasers that can be used to stimulate different areas of the body. This is stimulating human tissues like the scalp. These tissues be able to absorb various wavelengths of laser light.

Hairmax has found six hundred and fifty-five nanometers red lasers as the optimal wavelength on the scalp for stimulating hair growth by stimulating hair follicle cells.

The IGrow also utilizes six55 nanometers in wavelength however, it utilizes lasers as well as LEDs. The wavelengths boost vascularization and stimulate an increase in the amount of ATP.

The ATP boosts your metabolism in the cell as well as the activity of your cells and decreases oxidative stress. It allows the hair follicles the necessary building blocks and energy to transform the weak hair follicle into healthy ones.

The increased environment is then able to rejuvenate the hair follicle, which encourages hair growth and restores normal scalp conditions.

Both of these products encourage hair growth, help treat hair loss, stimulate hair follicles and revive hair that is thinning.


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4 Sec to 4 min Program

In addition to the 90-second quick hair recovery program, Hairmax also has a hair recovery program that is 90 seconds fast. Hairmax can also allow you to work with other programs. Press the button two times and the 4-minute program begins.

This program bleeps every 4 seconds. Therefore, it is necessary to move the band every 4 seconds, for the duration of 4 minutes.


How often should you utilize this IGrow?

The length of time you must use your IGrow will depend on the kind of hair loss. Generally, the suggested amount of duration is between 20 and 25 minutes.

It shouldn’t cause any harm even if you are using it regularly, but you must at the very least to make sure you are using it at least 3 to 4 times per week.


Apart from the identical functionality, however, there are many variations between IGrow and Hairmax in terms of their appearances as well as their use, results, and a few other factors.

After reading this article, will be able to recognize all of these things and be in a position to make an informed choice about whether to go to go with one of the IGrow and the Hairmax.


The design of the IGrow is quite different from the Hairmax. Its shape is different from that of the Hairmax. IGrow is more like an actual helmet, which according to some is akin to the Robocop helmet, while it is shaped like a helmet. Hairmax is more like a hairband.

If you wear them out in public, you may be able to get away with Hairmax however, the IGrow is sure to be noticed by people because it is a unique thing.

Built-in Headphones

The IGrow is also equipped with a feature that is unique to the IGrow: built-in headphones that are able to be linked with your MP3, iPod or even your phone. This is what takes it a step above the rest this feature is quite unique and not one comparable brand offers this.

Select the Program

The IGrow can also allow you to choose your program based upon your needs.

The helmet is also equipped with a small device that has five different figures that represent the different stages of loss of hair. Selecting one of them, it shows the recommended time for you to utilize the IGrow.

Before you begin any course, you’ll be able to simply select the option which will provide the most optimal outcomes. This feature isn’t available with the Hairmax hairband that is created to give you one type that is, regardless of the state of your head.


If you’re looking for comfort, IGrow and. Hairmax, both devices rival each other very effectively. IGrow provides you with a great level of relaxation when it rests upon your head.

You can use it for watching TV, cooking dishes, or doing any other activity. The Hairmax is curved in style and teeth that make sure it doesn’t slide off with ease.

Laser Modules

Hairmax is a Hairmax laser band that has an array of 82 lasers, however, it’s all lasers, whereas the IGrow switches certain lasers in exchange for certain LEDs and red lights.

The lasers are designed to last for about 15 years, compared to. these LEDs, do not last for that long. Therefore, you can count on your Harimax band to last longer as compared to the IGrow.

Do you think 82 lasers are enough?

The answer is yes. The Hairmax is specifically designed to be used in three shifts, which means you’ll have 246 lasers that cover your head from ear to. Additionally, you could also choose to have either four or five shifts, based on your individual preference.

Quick time to use

The Hairmax makers have stated that all you have to do is give 90 seconds per day. This is the lowest amount of usage in a single session. This is the minimum amount of time that any hair loss laser requires.

This speed is an essential player in the prevention of hair loss industry. If you’re using IGrow alternative you’ll need to utilize it for about 20-25 minutes per session every day.

The Hairmax being amazingly efficient and simple to use beats the competition here.

Easy to carry

The Hairmax is both wireless and light which makes it easier to use and to carry around in public areas. The IGrow isn’t that heavy, however Hairmax is wireless. Hairmax certainly is a lot lighter over the IGrow.

Clinical Trials

IGrow claims to have an average 35% increase in hair growth in men, and 37% more hair growth for women. They obtained these results from tests.

They were the first clinical trials of their kind. They also won their participants the ASLMS award for the most innovative translational research in 2013.

Hairmax will be more effective for males who suffer from moderate hair loss, and for females, as per the Ludwig scale, it’s likely to be most effective when you’re suffering from a moderate form of loss.

It’s not likely be beneficial for people who suffer from a more severe type of hair loss since it only targets areas with small-sized hair.

Hairmax has also completed several clinical trials that show it does help to improve the pattern of hair loss.


Does a laser-shaped band product provide you with the coverage you want?

The design of Hairmax may cause some to believe that it’s likely to cover only a small portion of your head as opposed to. the IGrow which covers your entire head.

It’s not true at all, the way the band works is to be placed on the top of your skull for about 30 minutes and it beeps and vibrates after which you’re required to pull it back in the next session, and after this, you’ll put it on the crown.

In this manner you can cover all areas of your head, from the ears all the way back to the ear in only 90 minutes.

With the IGrow it is not necessary to worry about your hands getting high in the air telling the time, as there’s no requirement to alter the direction of the device repeatedly and again.

All you have to do is turn it on, then place it on your head , and you’re good to go.

What is the earliest time you can get results?

In both Hairmax and IGrow, it is necessary to wait for the same length of time to get results. Some individuals see results within three months. Others see results in six months, but it is best to wait until the recommended 9-12 months for noticeable improvement.

Therefore, 3-6 months are sort of a premature timeframe and you should be waiting between 6 and 12 months to get more results.

Who should not be using:

The products are only effective when you suffer with male-pattern baldness, reduction in size or receding. If you’re completely unable, this may not help.

That means that if your scalp and vertex are completely hairless and you’re totally bald this product isn’t the best choice for you. They are only effective to treat pattern baldness, in males and females.

It can work for those who suffer from loss of hair because of genetics but not because of any reason that causes hair loss such as Areata, Alopecia, and other types.

If, however, in the past you were completely unable and decided to get an implant and would prefer not to recede forever after the procedure, then the option of Hairmax or IGrow may be a great alternative.

Security of use

Both Hairmax and IGrow are FDA-approved devices that have been certified to stop hair loss. The Hairmax is approved by authorities such as the U.S FDA, Ministry of Health in Canada, CFDA in China, KFDA in Korea and COFEPRIS in Mexico and Anvisa, and COFEPRIS in Brazil.

In 2020, Hairmax holds eight FDA approvals to its hair loss prevention devices, which demonstrates the level of security that it provides with 7 clinical research studies conducted by the most prestigious research centers in the world.

Furthermore to that, Hairmax also owns a number of other licenses. Hairmax company also holds 14 medical device licenses across the world.

While Hairmax is and IGrow have both been FDA cleared, as stated earlier, HairMax is the only company that can provide you with an unprescribed, FDA-approved treatment for males and females.

IGrow has also been proven clinically to be effective. It is backed by an FDA 510k approval that guarantees that it will not cause negative effects.

Timing of the battery

Both devices can be charged, but the Hairmax has incredible battery timing. Users claim that charged once can be able to last for months. With IGrow it is possible that you will require recharging on more frequent basis.

Money-Back Guarantee

IGrow comes with a money-back guarantee of 5 months with no hassle which is a great benefit for those who were kind of reluctant to try it. If you aren’t satisfied, you can simply return it with no questions asked, you’ll receive the entire amount of money back.

Hairmax comes with a six-month money-back guarantee. Hairmax is also backed by an unconditional money-back guarantee for six months in the event you fail to observe the results, you can return it.

If you decide to return it within 30 days and you do not receive it within 30 days, an additional 20% of your original cost of purchase will be due as a restocking charge.

Hairmax provides a two-year guarantee on their products, which IGrow does not.


Both devices are simple to use easy to use, portable, practical, and secure hair growth devices that are at home, giving complete scalp coverage. In no way are they inferior to each other. have provided customers with impressive results, and they are equally effective.