Biometric Consent Verification – A Tool For A Secure Future

In previous years, before the introduction of biometric recognition, online systems used different methods to verify the consent of the user. One of the methods was the checkbox evaluation of the user consent. The user is prompted to tick the checkbox to show their consent. With time the attackers developed new strategies to overcome this mode of consent verification of the user. They programmed automated scripts and injected those scripts into the online system which bypasses the traditional method of checkbox consent evaluation.


Because of this breach in user consent verification check the online platforms became vulnerable to most attacks and other issues of money laundering and fraud online. The era of COVID19 took heavy losses of over more than $20 billion.


To tackle this issue of consent breach, biometric screening and other biometric services are used to protect the user’s privacy and their information from being used illegally by the attackers.

What is Biometric Consent Verification? 

The biometric screening process is followed by most industries in today’s world to verify the user. Over 190 countries support biometric consent verification services as per shufti pro funding. The method of biometric consent verification is offered by KYC compliance. The consent verification is an agreement that is between the organization and its clients. The consent form is verified on biometric terms of verification such as fingerprints, facial scanning, and other biometric characteristics including iris scanning and retina recognition.

The combination of consent with a Biometric recognition system improves the user verification process by multiple times as the risky agreements are made secure and protected by the biometric security system.

The Uses of Digital Biometric Consent Verification

Major industries use the biometric way of authorizing their clients. This method of digital onboarding of users is trusted worldwide as it is efficient and secure. With biometric user authorization, the platforms can not only protect their assets from unauthorized sources but also improve the user experience by providing a fast processing system that analyzes the user consent in a matter of seconds.

Some of the uses of the digital biometric consent verification system are a part of this blog.

Biometric Consent Authentication for Secure Onboarding of Clients

As discussed earlier, the onboarding process is greatly improved with the introduction of biometrics. The client onboarding process is completed after the verification of the customer through scanning of their biometric features. After scanning, the identity of the client is evaluated before proceeding with any further business onboarding process.

Biometric Identity Cards For Secure Identities

The new biometric ID cards being assigned to the users are based on the biometric characteristics of the user. The cards contain a microchip which is installed inside the card body. The microchip carries all the biometric information of the user from their fingerprint impressions to their blood types. The introduction of biometric identity cards ensures the security of the state as the old IDs can be forged by the attackers to be used in harmful ways.

Biometric Passports For Protecting Passengers

Another major use of the biometric system of authentication is the use of biometric passports by many countries of the world. With biometric passports, the travel industry is protecting its passengers from different risks of scams and fraud that occur with passengers whenever they opt for online traveling. The biometric way of processing passports helps in the prevention of identity theft that many attackers do, they use fake identities to travel and harm others on their way.

Biometric Security System For Preventing CyberAttacks

With the online systems of interaction, cyberattacks were increasing each day. The attackers used multiple new techniques of online attacks such as SQL injections and DDOS attacks to break into digital platforms, stealing all the sensitive information of the organization and its users. With the use of a biometric security system, organizations are coping with these cyberattacks in an efficient way. The deployment of new biometric checks at different levels of digital gateways provides the cyber security authorities with a way of filtering attackers from their systems.

Wrapping It Up

With more than a billion in losses to the e-commerce industry, the new complete biometric user verification systems are being implemented worldwide with multiple adaptations for newer technologies in mobile platforms as well as per shufti pro news. The method of Biometric consent authentication provides a secure system for multiple tasks. Industries rely on biometric technology as the previous checkbox and other traditional evaluation methods are easily breached by the attackers using the new tools and techniques.