How to Get a Job Using an Employment Agency

In many parts of the country, an employment agency is primarily used to find work for those who are not working or have been laid off and are looking to re-enter the workforce. However, in Brampton, there are actually quite a few agencies that focus on finding you work based on your profession and experience level. Whether you’re looking to fill one position or would like to be kept in mind if new positions become available at any of the companies they represent, using an employment agency in Brampton can be quite beneficial if you want to land a job quickly and easily. Here’s how it works!

Know What You Are Looking For

You may be looking for permanent employment or contract work. Employment agencies offer both, but they typically specialize in one form of employment over another. Headhunting firms tend to focus on recruiting top talent for positions in financial services and technology, while staffing agencies are geared toward filling lower-skill positions like those found in manufacturing and warehouse work. So whether you’re interested in banking jobs or want to earn some extra cash with contracts, do your research before contacting a recruitment agency or employment agency in Brampton. You’ll save yourself time by focusing your efforts on hiring agencies that specialize in your type of job search.

Understand the Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is simple and straightforward. When you decide to use an employment agency, you’ll fill out a job application. The company will then assess your resume, skills and qualifications against its current needs before deciding whether or not to put your name forward for any specific positions. If you’re deemed suitable, you may be contacted by telephone or email with instructions on how best to proceed.

Contact a Recruitment Company

When it comes time to start interviewing for jobs, you’ll need a professional or recruitment agency on your side. You can usually find one by looking in your local classified ads or online. Your local newspaper is probably your best bet, because it’s most likely that employment agencies will be listed there first. A good strategy is also to ask at your library’s business department; some will have job listings books available, but if not they might be able to help you find information on websites and other places where companies are seeking candidates. The same applies with government offices like Employment Ontario — they may have information on employment agencies in Brampton, Toronto that specialize in recruiting people with similar skills as you have (or ones they think they’re missing).

Work With a Recruiter

Recruitment firms and headhunting agencies both serve as placement services, so they’re two different sides of the same coin. Headhunters tend to work with specific clients and put a lot of focus on recruiting only those candidates who meet their client’s needs and preferences. Recruitment firms, on the other hand, are open to taking resumes from anyone and placing them in any job that fits their requirements. In addition, many headhunters charge for their services; you don’t have to pay for recruitment agency Toronto help. When it comes down to it, recruiters offer more convenience than anything else; they make it easy for candidates looking for jobs and companies looking for employees.

Choose Which Resume Service Works Best For You

Reviewing your potential companies and jobs in a timely manner is important. Always check out new opportunities that might be available at your target company. If you are applying for specific jobs, be sure to visit them regularly to see if any hiring action has been taken by your future employer. Make sure you are up-to-date on their hiring process by reviewing their website or calling them. This simple strategy can mean working with recruitment agencies Toronto will have more opportunities come across your desk when you’re looking for work!

Review Companies Regularly

Companies often change who they work with and alter their requirements, so it’s important that you keep tabs on them and periodically check if they have openings. This makes you a more attractive candidate because companies like to feel as though they are working with people who genuinely want jobs, not just those that need them for financial reasons. To make your relationship last, consider staying in touch with your agency regularly; don’t expect all of your calls or emails to be returned, but do make some effort. A call every month or two will remind them you’re there should anything open up that matches your qualifications.

Create A Great Resume Cover Letter

Your resume should be more than just your job history; it should tell a compelling story that will make you stand out from other candidates. To find out what you need to include, download a free copy of: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Killer Resume Cover Letter and check out our post on How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You Noticed. You’ll also want to check out some real-life examples here. Once you have your cover letter ready, contact recruitment agencies and ask them if they are looking for someone with your skillset. If they are, then ask them for feedback on how you can improve your application package before sending it off to prospective employers.