How Can High-Poverty Schools in Noida Connect With Students?

While all schools have specific goals that include developing high education standards and success rates by offering several facilities to the students, these objectives change considerably with high-poverty schools. It is because high-poverty schools have students from the economically backward sections of society. These students have low family incomes and cannot study in mainstream schools. Here is how each high-poverty school in Noida can connect with its students. 


Offer a caring environment.

Students of these schools are neglected in their houses due to extreme poverty. They are either made to work in the fields or do other household work but are rarely sent to schools. Thus, the literacy rate in such households is very low, and it is crucial to encourage the children to visit schools and get rid of this disability. Schools can only ensure this by offering a caring and protective environment to the students. The caring environment motivates the students to spend time in school and reduces the communication gap between the teachers and the students. 


Easy admission process

High-poverty schools aim to improve the literacy rate amongst poor people, and hence they must have a simple and easy admission process. Therefore, admissions in most high-poverty schools in Noida extension are without interviews or tests. These schools aim to teach students in school and do not expect students to have previous knowledge of various subjects. Because of the simple admission procedures, students are motivated to visit these schools and change their fate. 


Suitable curriculum

High-poverty schools are different from others in terms of the syllabus. Since they cater to students from diverse backgrounds, they must ensure that the syllabus is easier and taught in a manner easy to understand. The students visiting high-poverty schools get little or no help from their parents, and hence these schools must ensure they support the students in every possible way. 


Informal student-teacher relationships

As mentioned above, high-poverty schools must offer a safe and caring environment to attract students. Hence, they must have a friendly student-teacher relationship where the students can reach out to the teachers for any difficulty. Such a relationship between the teachers and the students helps the latter grow. A healthy connection between the teachers and the students can also help in motivating the students and improving their performance. Unlike other schools, the structure of these schools is not that rigid, and the relationships are not that formal. Hence, these schools aim to reduce the gap between the teachers and the students. 



There are several high-poverty schools in Noida and other parts of the country. These schools have a different approach to education, and their primary aim is to empower children coming from backward families. Hence, high-poverty schools play a crucial role in ensuring these children are not discriminated against and deprived of their rights by offering them a better education. They also take care of the students’ overall well-being and ensure their personality growth. The main key to transforming the world is education. As a high-poverty school, we contribute to the growth of society through quality education