Everything You Should Know about sutures

If you are wondering about what sutures are, these are even known as stitches. These are sterile surgical threads that professional medical experts used to repair cuts. Sutures are even get commonly used to shut the incisions from surgery. Some wounds even may require an alternative method such as metal staples rather than sutures. This is something that depends on the wound type.

Once you look into the options in sutures, you would find different options like silk braided non absorbable sutures and more. Since sutures are extensively get used to shut deep wounds or cuts, they should be of good quality only. Once a deep wound is there , a doctor or medical expert may need to sew the two ends of the wound together layer by layer. During this procedure the  sutures are left on purpose under the surface of skin and finally shut the injury. Some wounds even may require an alternative method such as metal staples rather than sutures.

Absorbable and non-absorbable sutures

There are two diversities of sutures: absorbable and that of non-absorbable. Absorbable sutures do not really need or require your doctor to eradicate them. The enzymes discovered in the tissues of your body is naturally going to digest them.  But when you speak of nonabsorbable sutures, they will need to be eradicated by your doctor in the days or even weeks following your process, or might be left in permanently. 

Know about Suture material

Sutures are characteristically made from a diversity  of materials that are ​​natural or even synthetic. Following are a few examples for you to walk through:

  • Silk: Silk sutures are typically braided and even formed up naturally 
  • Nylon: Nylon forms up a type of natural monofilament suture
  • Polypropylene this is one material that creates a monofilament suture.
  • Polyester: This form is synthetic as well as braided

Quick Types of sutures

There are a couple of types of sutures that you could encounter should you need one. Examples are like: 

  • Poliglecaprone: this is synthetic monofilament suture that is used for usual use in any type of soft tissue repair. However, this material must be avoided in that of cardiovascular procedures. It is most commonly used to simply shut skin in a nearly invisible-like manner. 
  • Gut suture: it is a natural monofilament suture that get used to repair internal soft tissue wounds and even is commonest in gynaecological surgeries.
  • Polydioxanone (PDS): it is a synthetic monofilament suture that can get used for soft tissue repairs such as abdominal closures.
  • Polyglactin: it is a synthetic braided suture that is wonderful for repairing hand or that of facial lacerations. 

On the basis of your needs, your doctor can make the finest assessment on suture type and that of even material. 


To sum up , the point is simple, whether Nylon, silk braided suture in India or any other options; you can find them in best quality once you look for them. Once you are in the best hands, the right doctors would ensure that the right type of suture gets used for your medical procedure.