What Does The Quran Say About Hijab?

What Does The Quran Say About Hijab?

The Quran offers guidance on many important topics, one of which is what to wear and how to dress modestly. Online Quran Academy helps you better understand the Quran by providing you with free Quranic translations in Urdu, Arabic, and English with meaningful commentary from Islamic scholars on all aspects of the Quran, including What Does The Quran Say About Hijab? This answers the question What does the word hijab mean? Along with explaining its significance in Islam.

Definition of Hijab

It is part of an entire way of life that every Muslim is encouraged to follow. Hijab refers to a traditional dress code of modest clothing and can also be applied to what a Muslim eats and drinks, how they speak, and much more. For women, it is generally understood as wearing loose-fitting clothing which covers everything but her face, hands, and feet. It can take time to adjust to the hijab if you are new to Islam or Islamic traditions; in fact, most adult Muslims today choose their own interpretation of what true hijab means.

If you’re still unsure about hijab or would like guidance from Islam teachers online, then our Online Quran Academy might be a great resource for you! You will find many different articles on different topics related to your question: What Does The Quran Say About Hijab? We hope you find them helpful! Allah bless.

Why Do Muslim Women Wear It?

Muslim women cover their hair for a number of reasons. Most importantly, they do so as an act of obedience to God. A hadith (the actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad) states that when a woman reaches puberty, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. And so, Muslim women who wish to please God will wear hijab because they believe it is what He wants them to do. It is also important to note that hijab does not mean headscarf.

In fact, many Muslim women choose not to wear headscarves at all but still consider themselves to be wearing hijab. Instead, the hijab refers more broadly to modest dress and behavior in accordance with Islamic teachings. For example, covering one’s face or wearing tight clothing are considered violations of Islamic principles and thus are also considered violations of hijab even if no part of a woman’s body is showing.

Many people have misconceptions about what exactly constitutes modest dress in Islam. This can lead many non-Muslims to view all forms of Islamic dress as oppressive or anti-feminist – even though most Muslims would argue just the opposite!

Violation of Islamic Rulings of Hijab

Based on Authentic Verses of The Noble Qur’an and Hadith, anyone who claims that there is no such ruling in Islam or that it is not clearly mentioned in Qur’an or Ahadith are violating Islamic Rulings of Hijab. They have become a Fitnah (Enemy/Naysayer) as mentioned in Al-Qur’an Surah 9:24 – 25; Then fight in Allah’s cause – Thou art held responsible only for thyself – and rouse the believers.

It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers, for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment. Notice how Satan himself has quoted a blatant lie about hijab!


The idea of what is modest or appropriate attire varies a lot between societies and times, but in many places, covering your hair is associated with modesty. In some circles, it’s also associated with faith: Muslims, who consider hijab an important part of their religion. There are two basic parts to hijab: one covers everything except your face and hands; another requires head-to-toe coverage.

Wearing a niqab (face veil) is sometimes considered more pious than just wearing a hijab (headscarf). Some Muslims believe that women who do not wear headscarves are immodest and/or promiscuous — even if they otherwise cover up to other standards of modesty — and/or shouldn’t be allowed to participate in society at all.