How much do YouTubers earn now?

Discover the truth of the income of the most famous YouTubers and find out the secret to replicate it.

The term youtuber is positioned in the minds of young people around the world and more than one has dreamed of becoming a full-time digital influencer . Wondering how much youtubers earn or how much a youtuber earns per visit before getting into this industry is very common. It is important to know that generating content, getting subscribers or accumulating views are key actions, but not the only ones, to obtain income on YouTube .

Learn more about how to create a YouTube channel that generates money in this guide: How to make money on YouTube-Guide

If you are still not clear about what a youtuber is and how much they earn, in this article I will explain it to you and show you some of the most successful youtubers in the world.

Youtuber is a person who is dedicated to creating audiovisual content for YouTube , it can be one or more different or specific topics. The fact of creating a channel and starting to upload videos on the platform already makes you a YouTuber , but not everyone can easily make money.

The question of how to earn money being a youtuber is asked by all those who aspire to be a youtuber , but this will depend on different alternatives such as the ads scheduled by the brands, the CPM, the sponsorship of the big companies to the youtubers , etc. Also the quality of the content and the quality of the videos that you publish will largely define the success of the monetization of your channel.

If you want to know more about how to generate quality videos for YouTube visit this link .

In this post I am going to show you how the most famous youtubers like PewDiePie, Luisito Comunica or Yuya , have very good income from their creations for YouTube and what are those exorbitant figures that seem relevant to all those who want to become like them .

Part 1: How much do youtubers earn ?

This is the question quite questioned in recent times by anyone who wants to venture into this world of earning income on the Internet. The important thing is to know that YES you can make money with videos on YouTube , but you need knowledge, good content for your niche, dedication and perseverance to get results.

The SocialBlade page , which is responsible for reporting approximate data on how much a youtuber earns from anywhere in the world , shows impressive income figures. This page can show you how much a youtuber earns per visit, how much famous youtubers earn, how much a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers earns, how much a youtuber earns by country, how much a Mexican or Colombian youtuber earns, how much a YouTuber earns in Spain , among other data.

These are some of the examples of how much famous youtubers earn 2020 according to the data in SocialBlade. With this list you can get an idea of ​​how much a youtuber with 1 million subscribers earns


  • Pew Die Pie has 103,000,000 subscribers.
  • His videos have been viewed about 25,000,000,000 times.
  • Per month he earns approximately between $72,700 to $1,200,000.
  • Per year he earns approximately between $872,500 to $14,000,000.
  • He opened his channel in April 2010.
  • It is located in the United States.

Luisito Communicates

  • Luisito Comunica has 30,600,000 subscribers.
  • His videos have been viewed about 4,400,000,000 times.
  • Per month he earns approximately between $58,800 to $844,400.
  • Per year he earns approximately between $633,300 to $10,100,000.
  • His channel was opened in April 2012
  • It is located in Mexico

The Polynesians

  • LosPolinesios has 22,100,000 subscribers.
  • His videos have been viewed about 4,800,000,000 times.
  • Per month he earns approximately between $25,700 to $410,500.
  • Per year he earns approximately between $307,800 to $4,900,000.
  • Their channel was opened in December 2012.
  • They are located in Mexico.


  • Yuya has 24,300,000 subscribers.
  • His videos have been viewed about 2,400,000,000 times.
  • Per month he earns approximately between $1,800 to $23,700.
  • Per year you earn approximately between $17,800 to $284,900
  • He opened his channel in September 2009.
  • It is located in Mexico.


  • Gibby has 10,600,000 subscribers.
  • His videos have been viewed about 2,100,000,000 times.
  • Per month he earns approximately between $7,500 to $119,900.
  • Per year he earns approximately between $89,900 to $1,400
  • He opened his channel in August 2014.
  • It is located in Mexico.

Part 2: SocialBlade – Page to find out how much Youtubers earn

If you want to find out how much a particular youtuber earns and learn other interesting facts, I recommend you visit the SocialBlade page and enter the name of the channel you are interested in for more information.

Part 3: How much does a YouTuber earn on average?

On average, the YouTube monetization of 1000 views varies depending on the country where the video is shown.

In the United States for every 1000 visits it ranges from 0.5 to 4.5 USD, but this depends on multiple factors.

In Latin America, the values ​​are lower, but can be between 0.25 to 4.5 USD per 1000 views .

But now really…

Part 4: How much does a youtuber earn per visit

As you may know, YouTube belongs to Google. This means that the advertising that is present in the different videos are the advertisers that are promoted through Google AdSense .

So how can YouTubers earn money from those ads in their videos? Through the YouTube Associates Program . This allows Google to pay youtubers through visits and ads on their pages.

The secret of how youtubers monetize their videos is through CPM .

CPM (Cost per thousand) the key to income on YouTube.

CPM is the cost an advertiser pays for every 1,000 people who watch the video . CPM is important because the youtuber gets a share that advertisers pay when an ad is shown on their video. The more an advertiser pays for that ad, the more money the youtuber earns . CPM is a good indicator of how brands value creators’ videos and audiences to achieve their own business goals.

The important thing to know about CPM is that it changes over time. This can be due to different reasons:

  • Time of year : Advertisers tend to bid more or less depending on the time of year. On the dates before the holidays, advertisers often bid higher. Example: Christmas is a key date for brands, so they begin to advertise on videos and that makes the CPM go up.
  • Switching countries: Advertisers can control which countries or regions they want to reach with their ads. There is competition in the form of an “auction” between advertisers from different markets to advertise on videos, so the CPM varies by country . Example: The United States generally has higher advertising investment since there are more brands competing to show their ad in a video, compared to Latin American countries where there is less competition and ad investment .
  • Type of content: There are companies that advertise on certain content and video topics. It depends on the category of the company and the YouTube channel. So this benefits some types of videos compared to others. Example: A cookware company will most likely choose channels that deal with cooking, food, and home.

The following video by youtuber Sonia Alicia explains very well how much money is earned on YouTube. She shows real examples of her channel’s income and comments that not necessarily because she has so many “views” on a video, then she generates more income than others.

In conclusion, there are multiple factors that determine how much money a youtuber earns , the important thing to be successful is to specialize in a niche, create valuable content for that segment and learn how to improve the videos to get more exposure on YouTube.

If you’re just starting out on YouTube, and you still don’t know which video editor to use, I recommend you explore Filmora, it’s an easy-to-use video editor that has many text templates and animated effects to create your YouTube video quickly and well. finish. Take a look at the video to see its main functions.