C_TS411_2021 Exam Dumps 2022-Christmas 2022 Sale

Question: 1

When or why do you assign production resources and tools to an operation?

A. To map the equipment of the Work Center with production resources and tools.
B. To make additional production resources and tools available that do not belong to the equipment of the Work Center.
C. To provide additional components which cannot be assigned to the BOM.
D. To make them available for operation inspection only.

Answer: B

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Question: 2

Which prerequisites must be fulfilled before a configuration profile can be created and released for a configurable material?

A. At least one variant class must be assigned to the configurable material. Values must be assigned to the characteristics here.
B. At least one variant class must be assigned to the configurable material.
C. At least one variant class must be assigned to the configurable material. Values must not be assigned to the characteristics here.
D. Exactly one variant class must be assigned to the configurable material.

Answer: C