Is commercial general liability same as general liability?

Commercial general liability insurance (CGL) is a type of insurance that businesses use to protect themselves from legal claims. CGL policies can cover a wide range of liabilities, including personal injury, property damage, and product liability claims. Unlike most forms of insurance, CGL policies are not specific to a single industry or sector. This means that they can be used by businesses of all sizes and industries. So what is the difference between commercial general liability and general liability? The main difference is that commercial general liability policies are designed to cover businesses in high-risk industries, such as manufacturing and commercial services. General liability policies, on the other hand, are designed to cover all types of businesses. What this means is that if you have questions about whether your business needs CGL insurance or not, speak with an insurance advisor. They will be able to help you understand your specific risk profile and recommend the best policy for your business.

What is Commercial General Liability?

Commercial general liability (CGL) is a type of liability that arises when someone does something that harms another person or their property. CGL covers a broad range of activities, from manufacturing defects to wrongful hiring and firing. In most cases, CGL is similar to general liability, which is the most common form of liability.

One key difference between CGL and general liability is that CGL applies only to businesses. This means that companies who are sued under CGL typically have broader insurance coverage than those who are sued under general liability. Additionally, many states have specific laws governing CGL, which can give defendants additional advantages in court.

CGL is typically used to protect companies from lawsuits that allege negligence,* such as when a company manufactures a product that is later found to be defective. CGL also protects companies from lawsuits that allege intentional wrongdoing, such as when a company fires an employee with malicious intent.

The Jones act coverage is a maritime law that establishes certain requirements for ships transporting goods between U.S. ports. The act protects American workers and businesses by ensuring that domestic shipping is responsible and safe. It also helps to keep prices low for consumers by encouraging competition among ship operators.

* Negligence refers to acts or omissions that are not intended to cause harm, but which nevertheless do.

What Types of Claims Does Commercial General Liability Cover?

Commercial general liability insurance protects businesses from lawsuits that arise from their activities, including those that occur during the course of business. This type of insurance is often required by businesses in industries such as retail, hospitality, and manufacturing.

The definition of a commercial general liability policy can be broad, covering a company’s directors, officers, employees, contractors and agents. Coverage can also include the company’s property and equipment. In some cases, coverage may extend to third-party claims as well.

A commercial general liability policy typically has limits on how much coverage the insurer will provide. The maximum amount of coverage that an insurer will issue is called the policy limit. For example, a company may have a $1 million policy limit for personal injury claims and $5 million for property damage claims.

Policy limits are important because they define what damages the insurer is willing to pay in the event of a lawsuit. If a claim exceeds the policy limit, the insurer will not cover it. However, if a claim falls within the policy limit but exceeds your statutory cap (the maximum amount you’re allowed to pay in damages), then your insurer may still cover part or all of the claim.

If you’re served with legal papers but don’t know what they are or why they were sent to you, contact your insurance agent or broker for help interpreting them or discussing your coverage options..

Are There Different Levels of Coverage for Commercial General Liability?

Commercial general liability, or CGL, insurance is designed to provide coverage for business owners and managers in the event that they are held liable for injuries or damages caused by their businesses. This type of insurance is different from general liability insurance, which is designed to protect individuals who are not associated with the business in question.

There are two main types of commercial general liability insurance: product liability and premises liability. Product liability covers businesses that produce products that may cause injury or damage to people or property, while premises liability protects businesses from lawsuits relating to accidents that occur on their property.

How Much Does Commercial General Liability Cost?

Commercial general liability is a type of liability insurance that protects businesses from legal actions arising from their actions or omissions. Unlike personal injury or property damage liability, which are typically for specific events, commercial general liability provides coverage for any losses or liabilities that may arise from business activity. This can include claims from customers, employees, and contractors. The cost of commercial general liability insurance varies, but can be a costly investment for businesses of all sizes.


Commercial general liability is a legal term referring to any type of lawsuit that may be filed against a business, regardless of the size or nature of the company. Unlike personal injury lawsuits, which are filed by individuals who have been injured as a result of another person’s negligence, commercial general liability lawsuits are typically filed by businesses or organizations who have been harmed as a result of the actions or inactions of other people working for or with the business. This includes things like product defects, mistakes made during advertising and even illegal activities carried out by employees on behalf of the company. Topic: How To Style A Men’s Leather Jacket Conclusion Paragraph: With just a few tips and tricks, you can easily style any men’s leather jacket into something unforgettable. Whether you’re looking for something classic and refined or something more rugged and masculine, our tips will help you achieve the look you want. So don’t wait any longer—start experimenting with different jackets and see what looks best on you!