A small guide on lean six sigma green belt certification

 lean six sigma green belt online

To run the business smoothly, the employers need to make sure that there are no deviations when actual is matched with standards. Even if there are, efforts are put in to make things close to perfection. So to solve this deviation, a method or tool called six sigma is used. This helps in solving complex problems which primarily focuses on quality issues. Know that six sigma works for all industries, with or without technology intervention.

Seeing this, the demand for six sigma consultants has increased in the market. So many candidates are learning the lean six sigma green belt online. This certification is important for advancement in the career. Know that the lean six sigma consultant will help the company to implement this. The six sigma green belt works under the supervision of the six sigma black belt by solving and analyzing the quality problems. This certification will help you to lead in the advanced improvement projects and facing complexities.

To know more about this certification, refer to the following points:

  • Requirement- Know that this certification will require at least 3 years of work experience. The candidate needs to have on-the-job experience in one or more areas. The job should be a full-time job paid. Also, the job must match with areas listed in the Green belt body of knowledge.
  • Preparation of the exam- There are many books available online from which you can seek help from. Also, there are many online websites offering help with study material. You can seek help from books, question banks, study guides, and much more online.
  • Examination- To get the certification, every candidate is expected to pass an examination that consists of multiple-choice questions. It is an open book examination where the candidate can carry his/her own reference materials. It is conducted both in online and offline form by different institutions and websites. The online exam consists of one part with 110 questions in which 100 questions are scored and 10 questions are unscored. In offline mode, there are a total of 100 questions and is offered in English, Spanish and mandarin. For more information about proctoring, do refer to the main page of the same.
  • Body of knowledge- It is important to go through the course material on the basis of which the questions are designed.
  • Policies and procedures- Make sure to go through the policy criteria. Some documents like government-issued ID proof (with photo and signature) will be required like driving license, passport etc. In the offline exam, you will be asked to keep your personal belongings in the locker only. You are allowed to carry your proofs and locker key.To run the business smoothly, the employers need to make sure that there are no deviations when actual is matched with standard

So above are some of the points related to this certification. Make sure to seek help from the lean six sigma green belt practice exam to ace this certification. Though this exam is a bit tough with proper preparation, you can clear this exam. Know that for the six sigma belt you can start from yellow, green or black.