Advantages of being a cloud-based immigration platform

Cloud based platforms are growing fast in this digital age and it offers several benefits like:

  • Ease of deployment & speed
  • Anytime, anywhere access for users
  • Automatic updation and integration of Data
  • Seamless Collaboration among stakeholders
  • Data Storage & Security
  • Digital Signatures
  • Unlimited Storage on the cloud
  • Automatic Backup and storage of data
  • Disaster Recovery

All the above advantages hold true for cloud-based immigration platforms too. The immigration process is fraught with stress and anxiety, with denials and RFEs steadily rising, causing distress to beneficiaries, revenue loss to Petitioners and Attorneys, along with workload increase. Moreover, many companies and attorney firms use different applications to cover end-to-end immigration needs. Top pain points include:

  • Inefficient petition building and RFE responses
  • Petition tracking and increased workload
  • Chaotic data sharing

Imagility is a cloud-based immigration platform focusing on employment-based immigration and family-based support, Employer-obligatory compliance, support for temporary workers and family, and end-to-end immigration processing and management. 


Imagility delivers the best-in-class cloud immigration platform that comprises:

    • Unparalleled end-to-end cloud immigration platform and technology with detailed petition building timelines and workflows, petition analysis (a virtual adjudicator), RFE response building, template letter building, comprehensive compliance, receipts, notifications, alerts, onboarding and offboarding employees, full access to documents, among others.
  • Holistic approach to immigration – Provide strategic and workforce planning, worldwide migration planning, policies development, and discretionary handling of immigration support for key individuals, etc.  All this in order to achieve the right balance of the foreign talent at the right time in the right way and adjust with the changing immigration landscape quickly if needed.
  • Making immigration simple and easy:  Simplifying convoluted immigration processes into smooth workflows that are intuitive to the user.  It limits time-intensive immigration processes, delay in hiring cycles, excessive use of HR resources, and exposure to legal risk
  • Transparent, clear, and results-driven employee engagement: Employee inclusion in every step of petition building, timeline, and lifecycle.  Employees will be notified of events, status, and intervention through notifications and alerts to LIVE customer support as needed.  Your employees will feel they have full transparency, collaboration, and clarity. All this is possible because of it being a cloud immigration platform.
  • Fully digital:  Securely store and access sensitive files and documents digitally, enable digital signatures, get notification and alerts instantly, etc., all remotely.

Top Features

Through Imagility, Beneficiaries, Petitioners and Attorneys can collaborate remotely to improve visa outcomes anytime, from anywhere. Each stakeholder takes ownership and completes a set of assigned tasks represented by a series of timeline steps. This is the power of a cloud-based immigration platform. 

Let’s now look at the topmost features that harness the power of the cloud and form the core of the platform.

Building Profiles 

By entering details just once about life events like education, experience and immigration along with relevant documentation. 

  • Building Beneficiary data online: Beneficiary data available anytime without constant reminders and frantic mails. Once the beneficiary profile is created, it can be updated anytime, and all beneficiary data gets automatically pulled into the petition.

Creating Tasks and sub tasks 

A task is a petition in making. All that is needed is to create a task and sub task and go through a guided approach to building petitions or RFEs through timelines with tasks clearly assigned. (Petitioner / Attorney)

  • Graphical Timelines: Interactive, color-coded petition timeline steps, visually indicate the progress made in the petition lifecycle.
  • Transparency in the Workflow and Distribution of Work: Collaborative working among stakeholders, can track, review and improve petition together, the hallmark of a cloud-based immigration platform.

Petition Building

The power behind the Petition builder is the H-1b rules and policy engine that incorporates the laws, policies, and adjudication practices through its machine learning capabilities. These can be updated anytime there is a change in laws and policies since Imagility is a cloud-based immigration platform.

  1. Integration of data: It gathers and pulls core beneficiary, petitioner, and attorney information typically used in the G-28 and I-129 forms. 
  2. It helps build detailed explanations for the Specialty Occupation, Unrelated Bachelor’s degree, and Employer-Employee relationship requirement of an H-1B. 
  3. As these elements are created, the tool provides insights to strengthen the elements
  4. Template Builder: Master repository of templates with pre-populated company information, enables complete and effective cover and support letter creation. 
  5. Then the tool takes in beneficiary, petitioner, client, and project documents and any other evidence to provide a complete petition to submit. 
  6. Digital Signatures: Completely enabling remote document exchanges.
  7. Automating Tasks/Notifications: Pending items’ automatic notifications triggered. 
  8. Tracking progress: Color coded tasks provide a visual cue of actions completed, in progress and to be done. All notifications promptly show up on the notification bar and pending tasks are listed on the dashboard. All memory lapses covered.

Petition Analysis

The powerful Petition Analysis tool analyzes each element of the petition in detail and graphically displays a dashboard with status bars, including missing details and recommendations to improve the petition. This can help stakeholders strengthen the petition and also adjudicate the petition multiple times as needed.

The powerful cloud immigration platform Imagility has security provisions at the server, application and network level to protect user data and follows the OWASP Top 10 standard guidelines for web application security.