Be A Better Basketball Player By Following This Advice!


It is tough to argue with the immense popularity enjoyed by the sport of basketball. Given the incredible numbers of individuals who love playing and watching basketball, there really must be something appealing about it. If you are curious about the sport and want to discover more about it, you have come to the right place.

Make sure that you practice teamwork when you are on the court, or people may have a hard time dealing with you. You may want to impress others on the court, and this may give you the idea that you should shoot the ball yourself, but it would be best to pass the ball to someone who is open.

Every shot should have an arc. The ball should arc at the highest point, then began descending toward the goal. This arc helps keep the ball on course. Learn how to consistently shoot using the same arc for best results. As you practice, you will learn what works best for you.

Free throws require both mental and physical abilities. It is possible to practice the physical movements needed to make such a shot, but when your mental focus is lacking, you are likely to miss. Take a deep breath, relax and imagine you are at practice to help yourself make the shot.

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To become a good rebounder, learn how to box out your opponent properly. The idea is that when a shot is taken, you turn towards the basket and block your opponent from getting a good position to rebound. The best rebounders have mastered this skill and own the space right near the basket.

Work on being able to receive a pass. You should practice catching errant passes, along with perfectly executed ones. During a hectic game, every throw is not going to be perfect. Learn how to catch any sort of throw.

Shoot at least a hundred free throws every day. Not only does this make you a better free throw shooter, but it helps all your shooting. You can step on a court any day of the week familiar with the sight and sound of you putting the ball in the goal. This gives you serious mental confidence, regardless of how or where you actually shoot.

To become a better dribbler, work on becoming more flexible. The looser and more flexible you are, the better you will be able to elude defenders. Stiffer players are easier to defend. The more flexible you are, the harder it is to defend you. So to improve your dribbling, you need to improve your flexibility.

Learn to control the ball when you need to change your pace suddenly. If your are able to plant your feet and then quickly dribble the ball while on the move, you gain a distinct advantage over your opponent. If your defenders think you are slowing down to make a shot, they will straighten up to try to block it.

Set up an obstacle course with chairs or pylons and then dribble around them. This will help you learn how to get around opponents while keeping control of the ball. As you get better, make sure your back is to the obstacle as you go by to protect the ball from it.

When it comes to making the shot, the key is to hold the ball the right way. Practice makes perfect, so hold your hands like they are claws and space out your fingers. Hold the ball with your fingers, not your palm. Hold the ball in your hand while watching TV to build your muscles.

It is important that you learn to dribble the ball without staring at your hand as you do it. If your eyes are always on the ball, you can’t see who is around you. That will leave you open to having the ball stolen by a defender when you are least expecting it.

A good rebound player can be a huge advantage for his team. Rebounding is about attitude more that skill. Think of every shot as a potential miss and be ready to position yourself to get the ball. Be alert for team members who are in a good position to make the shot.

To warm up your hands for a game, hold the ball ahead of your chest then slap it hard as you pass it from one hand to the other. This helps you to truly get a feel for the ball while the blood begins to flow through your hands, getting them ready to play.

Try not to pass the ball further than about 18 feet. If you go longer, you will find that it is easier for the ball to be intercepted by the other team. Shorter passes will always be more successful, so try to stand close to whomever you are passing to.

A chest pass is one of the best ways to get the ball to your teammate. As long as no one from the other team is standing between you and your intended recipient, go for it. You can pass with a step for more power, or without a step to move the ball rapidly.

Never watch the opponents feet, always watch their chest instead. Many players have learned how to fake out opponents with their feet, so it is better to focus your attention on their chest. It is much more difficult to fake upcoming movements with the chest than it is with the eyes or feet.

In order to be a great basketball shooter you need to be confident. One of the reasons why professionals get very far is because they are confident in their abilities. You won’t hit every shot or defend every play, but if you let it affect you then there is no way you will play good basketball. Be a better player by being confident!

The numbers do not lie. Basketball is among the most popular sports in the world, both for playing and for watching. The article above was intended to function as a useful guide to help readers maximize their enjoyment of basketball, regardless of their current level of knowledge, skill or understanding.