Can You Conceive A Child After 40?

Can You Conceive A Child After 40

Getting Pregnant After 40: A Beneficial Or A Risky Decision!

Getting deprived of opportunity because of your growing age is unacceptable. You can not stop living and fulfilling your dream just because society says that you are too old for that.

Women were often told that they must be settled down and have a baby before they reach 30. But with the growing need of having a good career, it does not seem a practical ideology.

Infertility Among Women After 40

There is a good chance that a woman who wanted to conceive a child after 40 might face a lot more struggle than a 30-year might. That is why best IVF Centre in Punjab has opened up new options for them. After all, life would not wait for us, rather we have to take the reins in our hands.

With the help of test-tube babies, women can get pregnant easily, they are also choosing to freeze their eggs and use surrogacy as an option.

But how beneficial IVF really is? Let us see what IVF Doctor in Ludhiana had to say about that.

The Benefits Of Getting Pregnant After 40

Yes, there are ample reasons that are beneficial if you choose to get pregnant after 40, and it might outweigh the benefits of getting pregnant at your prime age of 20s-30s.

The number 1 factor that makes it more acceptable and beneficial is financial stability. Younger people are less likely to have a financial favour. And as you are very well aware, without monetary funds raising a child is very difficult.

More focus on career buildings and being independent on their own also is a great factor.

Here are some more beneficial points for having a child after 40:

  • Children’s are having better results in education by getting higher test scores.
  • It reduces cognitive decline.
  • They might have a longer life span.

What Are The Risks Of Getting Pregnant After 40?

With benefits there comes the risk too. Though with the advancement in the medical field such as IVF, it has become easy to get pregnant after 40. Still, it comes with a high risk, which is why your doctor might monitor you and the baby closely for the reason given below:

  • Low birth weight
  • High blood pressure
  • Miscarriage
  • Gestational
  • Birth defect

Does Age Effect Infertility?

Yes, as the women grow older, we notice a gradual decrease in fertility among women. At least one-third of the couples who are above 35 faces the issues of infertility. Some of the attributes that become a factor of infertility are:

  • Unhealthy Eggs
  • Inadequate amount of eggs
  • A health condition that impacts fertility
  • Risk of miscarriages
  • Ovaries are unable to release healthy eggs.

But it can be solved with some simple and safe solutions, which are accepted by the masses.

  • IVF (In- Vitro Fertilization)
  • Freezing eggs when you are younger.
  • Sperm banks
  • Adoption

Options To Get Pregnant After 40

Many options could help you get pregnant after 40 including infertility treatment including IVF. Visit Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre Ludhiana and know what can be the best option for you.