Can You Receive Help For Therapy From School’s Insurance?

Can You Receive Help For Therapy From School's Insurance?

Today, we will see in which cases the school insurance covers the psychological and pharmacological therapy of our sons and daughters.

Since we started the project, many families have told us about their difficulties in getting their children to go to therapy. In this sense, associations are working to offer discounts in different centers to their associates; and other entities subsidizing these sessions to families in need. However, there are still families that either cannot afford this service or end up having it infrequently, which makes improvement difficult.

Today, we will talk about a possibility that may often go unnoticed. This is the school insurance that we usually pay when enrolling in the institute. Typically, this insurance also covers the mental health of our children, but we meet some requirements.

One of them, precisely, is very important:

For the insurance to cover any mental health issue, it is essential that it has not arisen in previous stages. In other words, if we have a child diagnosed with ADHD (or any neurodevelopmental disorder) from the age of 7, the insurance will not cover the sessions. In addition, on some occasions, these disorders are excluded even without a diagnosis in childhood because they are disorders that usually manifest at an early age.

If the child is diagnosed before 14, the insurance will not cover psychological care. In addition, we may have a problem if it is not diagnosed. It is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder with usual onset in childhood.

We know that this will be the case for most families who read us. However, we believe that there are many families whose children suffer from other disorders that need attention and that manifest themselves throughout adolescence, so we hope that, for those families, this information is supportive:

What is school insurance?

In this case, we refer to the insurance that we usually pay when we enroll our children in high school. It is insurance that covers school accidents, illnesses, and family misfortunes.

In this case, we will talk about insurance from the point of view of mental health services. Since the insurance offers help in psychotherapy, neuropsychiatry, and pharmacological treatment.

The insurance covers people from 14 to 28 years old, as long as they are in high school or university. They are protecting from 3rd ESO to the third cycle of university studies.

Which are the requirements?

The requirements to receive support in this regard are:

1.- Having paid the insurance fee when enrolling in the center.

2.- Being less than 28 years old.

3.- Proof of one year of insurance. We have been enrolled for a year in the centers where the insurance applies (institutes and universities). This requirement is not required for students who have studied abroad the previous year, completed 2nd year of ESO, or special education.

4.-Be at that time enrolled in the studies included in the insurance.

5.- As we said before, the disorder has not been diagnosed during childhood (in periods before the insurance). We may also have problems if it is a disorder whose appearance is usual (neurodevelopmental disorders, for example). In some cases, some families have been able to receive help.

How do I process it?

There are psychology centers that already have all the information, so perhaps your reference professional can inform you about the subject and help you in the process.

In any case, the process is carried out through any Social Security Service and Information Center (CAISS), where we must present the application model for the provision of school insurance. Along with the documentation specified in the application model.

In our case, in addition to the rest of the documents specified in the application form, the psychiatrist must prepare a report with:

  • The diagnosis.
  • Description of the current status of the patient.
  • Pharmacological treatment and indicated psychotherapy and who will be in charge of carrying it out.

Ideally, you can carry out this insurance with a little more information from your reference professional and that the CAISS advises you.

Insurance provides additional support depending on the situation. In some cases, you can contribute money per month to go to therapy or drugs, although this will depend on each topic. It may not cover all the treatment, but it will help us address the treatment we need.

We hope that this information has been helpful.