Car insurance: the news of the DDL Competition on tariffs

Discounts on rates for those who install the black box and for those who have not caused accidents for 4 years. These are the main innovations in terms of car insurance from the Competition Bill.

The approval of the Competition Bill brings with it some interesting news for motorists. The law provides that SunCoast insurance companies apply discounts on rates for virtuous motorists. The changes should partially reduce the price differences between the Italian regions and the average prices between Italy and the rest of Europe.

DDL Competition: how car liability rates change

The Law on Competition (No. 124/2017) also deals with car insurance and, in particular, provides for a series of ” significant mandatory discounts ” on car liability rates for:

  • Motorists who agree to subject their car to a preventive inspection ;
  • Who agrees to install the black box on board ;
  • Who agrees to install a device that prevents the car from being turned on if the alcohol content exceeds the limits set by law (alcohol lock);
  • Those who reside in the Italian provinces are most at risk and have not caused accidents in the last 4 years.

And speaking of accidents, to reduce the risk of fraud against insurance companies, the Competition Bill has established new rules for the use of witnesses. From now on in the event of an accident, if there are no injuries, the witnesses must be indicated immediately or must be promptly reported to the insurance company.

Car insurance: the news of the DDL Competition on tariffs via @ 6sicuro

Discounts on RC car rates: the IVASS regulation

The same Law on Competition establishes that to define the amount of the discount on the motor TPL tariffs, the rules for its application, and the identification of the Italian provinces with the highest accident rate is an IVASS regulation.

The discount provided by law for those who reside in the provinces where the greatest number of accidents is recorded is different from that provided for those who install the alcoholic or the black box or submit the car to a preventive inspection. This means that the two discounts can be combined, resulting in nice savings.

The implementing regulation is currently being consulted and is available on the IVASS website.

Car insurance: accidents and uninsured vehicles on the rise

Five million vehicles circulate without car insurance, the most frequent cause of accidents is a distraction at the wheel and the number of accidents and injuries increased compared to the previous year.

More accidents and injuries, fewer deaths

In 2016, accidents recorded on roads were just over 175,000, 0.7% more than in 2015. The injured are also growing, reaching nearly 150,000.

The Italian roads are confirmed to be rather dangerous, even if the number of victims has decreased slightly. In total, the deaths were 4.2% less than the previous year, however, compensated by the increase in the number of seriously injured.

The extra-urban roads and motorways are more dangerous. In the city, however, it is not much better: accidents on urban roads have also increased slightly.

The causes of accidents: distraction, high speed, failure to respect the right of way

Nearly one in two accidents is caused by driver distraction, exceeding speed limits, or not respecting priority. But also the non-observance of the safety distance, irregular maneuvers by the driver, or dangerous behavior of pedestrians cause thousands of accidents every year.

The use of mobile phones while driving is particularly serious. Unfortunately, this is a frequent behavior that is severely punished: the fine is 1,294 euros, to which is added the suspension of the driving license for three months and the deduction of 5 points. In case of recidivism, the law provides for a doubling of the sanction.

The number of vehicles on the roads without insurance coverage is also worrying. It’s hard to say exactly how many cars this is, but it’s estimated that there are at least 5 million uninsured vehicles on our roads.

If your car is not insured, do not risk and do not endanger others: use the 6sicuro comparator to compare rates and find the cheapest sun coast insurance policy.