Clean windows with price Guarantee

Get shiny windows with professional window cleaning:

It’s nice to be able to look out the windows when the sun is shining and the sky is blue. But it is a big job and requires a part of your time. If you do not think that window cleaning is the most fun task in the world and you would rather indulge in some other things, our professional window cleaners can help you.

We thus offer window cleaning for private individuals outside and inside, for companies and public institutions. We can not guarantee the good weather – in return we can guarantee that with our expertise in window cleaning you will get shiny clean windows.

Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about our staff or procedures.

We polish windows in Copenhagen and the rest of Zealand:

There are many windows to plaster in Copenhagen. But, we also want to make it possible for you who do not live or live in Copenhagen to get clean and neat windows. That is why we offer our service all over Zealand to both individuals, companies and institutions. This can only be done because we have a large and skilled team of window cleaners behind us, who are both effective for window cleaning, but who are also willing to drive far.

Get a firm agreement on window cleaning:

At Jacobsens Rengøring, we offer companies, public institutions and private individuals to enter into a permanent agreement on window cleaning. We feel that this is particularly relevant for companies and institutions, as it is important that it is done on an ongoing basis and that it is done properly. When you enter into a permanent agreement on window cleaning with us, we offer window cleaning at an extra good price. We agree together how often we should come by, and whether we should also clean the windows inside every other or third time.

Get more time in everyday life with professional window cleaning:

Do you often look at the windows and think: “Oh, not again…”. This should not be the case, as the windows are, after all, what makes your home nice and bright to live in. Therefore, if you think all too often that they are more inconvenience in your everyday life than beneficial, it is in all probability on time to get some professional window cleaners past your cadastre.

Because with an agreement on window cleaning with us, when you do not at all get annoyed with dirty windows again. With a firm appointment, we come by before they get so dirty that you get annoyed at the lack of visibility or incidence of light.

How often it should be is entirely up to you. The most important thing for us is just that we give you more time in everyday life that you can spend on other and more enjoyable activities.

We polish both outside and inside:

Do you want the best out of your windows? So why not get us to polish them outside as well as inside? Whether you want to be at home while we do it is entirely up to you. Regardless, we make sure that we leave your interior and exterior frames as when we arrived – with the difference that the windows are clean and nicely plastered.

You do not have to have the windows plastered inside every time we come by to plaster the outside. Because if you think it makes more sense to do it every second or third time, we respect this and add it to our work schedule. However, it is a good idea to get it done regularly, as soot, dirt and dust tend to settle on the windows. It provides a film of grease that blocks the sunlight and does not give you the view you deserve from your windows. So let’s finally come by to polish your windows so you can look again.

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