Cocoa Farming – The New Farming Trend For Profits

Today chocolate has reached every region of the country. It has become a favorite of kids as well as adults. Its demand is increasing day by day in the country and across the world, due to which the business of chocolate is increasing continuously. Cocoa is grown to make chocolate. It is cultivated all over the world. Moreover,tractor assisted cultivation of cocoa is a great earning option for the farmers. It is a cash and export crop and its production has started widely in many states of the country.

Production From Cocoa Farming

Cocoa is a cash crop. Cocoa is made from the seeds of its fruits. The cacao fruit looks like papaya, containing 30 to 60 seeds. The delicious cocoa powder is obtained from the fermentation of the seeds of the cocoa fruit. It is also used as a beverage such as a concoction. 


Moreover, there are currently 10 multinational companies in the cocoa sector in India that export cocoa products, including seeds, chocolates, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and others. Cocoa is available at a price of around Rs 200 per kg in markets across the country. Fermented cocoa beans are even more expensive. The special thing is that in its cultivation, its crop gives 100 percent yield throughout the year. Like coffee, tea and rubber, cocoa also has the status of a horticulture crop in the country. Cocoa Farming in India is done in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Introduction To Cocoa Tree

Its fruit is similar to papaya, which contains 30 to 60 seeds. The Cocoa tree is 4 to 7 metres tall, and its fruits emerge on the stems. Moreover, Cocoa is prepared by drying and roasting these seeds. Cocoa is a plant of equatorial hot and humid lowland regions. Therefore, it requires high temperatures and high rainfall. The main cocoa-producing countries are Ivory Coast, Ghana, Brazil, Mexico, New Guinea, Venezuela, Philippines and Malaysia.

Cocoa Farming Necessary Steps

Suitable Climate And Selection Of Land For Cocoa Farming 

Cocoa is a plant of tropical land regions. Therefore, cocoa plants require high temperatures and high rainfall. The temperature of 18 degrees to 32 degrees Celsius is considered appropriate for cocoa farming. It can be cultivated along with coconut and areca palm with the help of a Solis S series tractor. Along with this, it also has the ability to be always planted outside in micro-climatic conditions in the fields. Thus, it does not require a different climate. Also, it can be cultivated on many types of soil. But for a good yield, grow it only on deep and rich soil land. If you want to produce cocoa regularly, choose such ground where moisture is maintained for its farming. The onset of monsoon is considered the most suitable time for planting cocoa.

Land Preparation For Cocoa Farming

Before preparing the field for cocoa farming:

  1. Do one 2 to 3 deep ploughing of the area with a soil-turning plough.
  2. After this, apply 150 to 200 quintals of cow dung manure per hectare in the field and, with the help of cultivators, do 2 to 3 deep ploughing of the field and mix the manure well.
  3. After this, make the field level by placing a plank.
  4. Prepare pits 15 to 20 days before planting.

Planting Method In Cocoa Farming

The cocoa crop can be planted as a mono-crop. It can also be grown as intercropping with the help of a powerful John Deere D tractor. Therefore, cocoa can be produced with coconut and areca palm. It can also be planted in the high herd of any of its palms, where 40 to 50 percent of sunlight reaches. 


For the good production of cocoa, it should get a sufficient amount of solar energy. If you want to plant cocoa mainly, then 400 plants can be planted on one acre of land. A distance of at least four metres should be kept between two seedlings. Use dry soil land for advanced production of cocoa. The advantage of using hybrid seedlings is that more pods can be obtained from each pod. In such a situation, the farmer brothers who have planted coconut or areca nut palm plantations can cultivate cocoa for additional income.

Manures And Fertilisers For Cocoa

The use of fertilisers and manures is good for cocoa because its plants are capable of giving excellent yields within three years without care. Apart from farmers, homemakers can also earn a good income through 4 to 5 trees on a small scale. This can be easily achieved using kitchen waste water for small-scale cocoa farming.


In this way, we have explained all the essential details about Cocoa farming. Thus, this blog will solve all your concerns about the steps and profits of producing Cocoa. However, stay tuned with us for more information regarding profitable cash crops. 

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