Conveyor Belt Vulcanizing vs Mechanical Splicing

Which one is superior? Mark Colbourn compares the two major ways of splicing conveyor belts and discusses the benefits of mechanical fasteners as a way to search for greater efficiency.

Conveyor systems form the base of many mines and quarries. extraction operations do everything they can to boost the efficiency of their operations and cut expenses, they are a great initial checkpoint to maximize productivity. One of the most important aspects for every conveyor network is the ability to splice and in the majority of cases there are two kinds of splicing techniques Mechanical splicing, which connects belt ends with plates or hinges of metal as well as vulcanized splicing that joins the ends of belts by chemical or heat.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each option is crucial when making an informed choice about which splicing technique to choose. What are the environmental variables that can influence the splice? Are employees facing time limitations? What are the cost of lengthy conveyor breakdowns? These are only a few of the questions you should ask when deciding between vulcanization and mechanical fastening.

Process of vulcanization

Vulcanization is a specialized process that, when done properly by an experienced professional, will ensure a seamless splice, with the least risk of snagging tears, and other wear of the belt. There are many types of vulcanized splices. These include finger splices that are stepped, splices with a and overlap splices, as well as two types of conveyor belt vulcanizing methods that are cold and hot. Each method requires specific tools as well as a thorough understanding of the process for bonding rubber.

In order to use both cold and hot vulcanization, the belt should be removed and each end prepped according to the specific belt’s splicing recommendations. The proper preparation of the belt is vital for ensuring that the splice is held according to its tensile ratings.

Through hot vulcanization, the it is possible to heat splices and cure them under pressure using an vulcanizing press. The process can take a few hours. If the belt is re-tensioned and then used prior to the splice has been bonded and fully cooled, the splice won’t work and may break completely, which can cause delays.

Cold vulcanization is not based on the vulcanizing press instead, it uses the bonding agent which triggers the chemical reaction necessary to join the two belt ends.

In vulcanizing, a variety of aspects must be taken into consideration to ensure a quality splice. A first-rate expert who is proficient and well-trained in the process and has an in-depth knowledge of adhesives, solvents as well as other fill and cover materials should make a vulcanized splice.

The process also demands a particular temperature, compression and time to dwell along with a dry, dry working area.

Additionally, certain types of belts may not be suitable for the vulcanization. In the event that the belt worn out or worn unevenly it is not an ideal option since it is not always cured uniformly, which could cause weaker splices.

The vulcanized splicing process for a belt with a width of 600mm could take anywhere from six to 11 hours, based on the working conditions. Belts with greater width can require longer. Since vulcanization typically requires a specialist team and equipment to be brought to site, the process can be stopped for a few hours or longer.

Mechanical Splicing

Similar to vulcanizations there are various types of mechanical fasteners, each designed to work with various belt sizes, lengths as well as thicknesses, speeds tensions, and belt cleaners.

Finding the best fastener that is suitable for the task is crucial to ensure the best performance and life of the splice. Mechanical fasteners can be found in two varieties that are hinged and solid plates as well as with a range of attachment options, such as staples, bolts and rivets.

For extraction applications Fasteners with rivets allow for the most flexibility. They are made up of top and bottom plates for fasteners and are joined at the one end by two hinge loops. Each plate is sandwiched the belt’s end and is fixed to the belt by an alternating design of rivets. The rivets are able to penetrate the belt without harming or weakening the belt carcass as they slide between the carcass fibres that support the load. The rivets are placed in a staggered fashion in order to give the maximum resistance to pulling-out and ensure that the splice tension is evenly distributed across the length of the belt. Read more.