
Online customer ratings and reviews have now come into consideration as a part of a successful e-commerce strategy. Whether it is measured on e-commerce platforms or other social sites, a customer’s opinion significantly decides the brand’s status and the consumer’s attitudes while purchasing the brand. mFilterIt reports suggest that RatingsContinue Reading

Zero Volume Keywords

As the SEO market is competitive, marketing professionals are always looking for new techniques. A specific approach that is often neglected is using zero volume keywords. These are keywords that are not detected by tools for keyword analysis as having an average monthly search. Explore the concept of zero volumeContinue Reading

crypto marketing agency

The digital landscape is a dynamic and ever-evolving space. To thrive in this environment, businesses must adopt a strategic approach to digital marketing. This article delves into the core principles, strategies, and trends shaping the industry, highlighting the pivotal role of a crypto marketing agency like Icoda. Understanding the DigitalContinue Reading

Google Shopping?

Google Shopping is a unique advertising campaign within the Google search engine that allows you to display your site’s products to users interested in similar items. Most visitors want to get answers to their queries as quickly as possible. It is inconvenient to spend a long time “Googling” a specificContinue Reading

white label digital marketing

White-label digital marketing is an excellent way for agencies and freelancers to provide clients with quality services without the hassle of hiring, training, and maintaining in-house teams. The right white-label partner will also have state-of-the-art tools and technology to help them deliver the best results for their clients. Some areasContinue Reading