Facts to Know About Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Enlarged prostate occurs mostly in men over 50, but it will start to get bigger once you reach the age of 30. This condition is also known as BPH or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.

It is a non-cancerous condition, but you might experience symptoms similar to prostate cancer. The condition can take place due to hormonal changes from “dihydrotestosterone” and “testosterone.” It can also occur because of natural cell growth.

To treat this condition, various中國人線上看can help you get relief. Let’s learn more about the treatments in detail.

Types of Treatments Available for Enlarged Prostate

The treatment for BPH or enlarged prostate depends on the patient’s age, the size of the prostate, the amount of discomfort the patient feels, and their overall health.

If you are experiencing signs/symptoms that are tolerable, you can monitor the symptoms instead of opting for treatment. But if the symptoms are severe, you can opt for the following treatments:


Doctors opine that medications are the best option for treating the mild symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Some of these medications are:

  • Cialis [Tadalafil]: This medication is used for treating erectile dysfunction, but it is also proven effective in treating BPH.
  • Combination Drug Therapy: The doctor will suggest you take a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and alpha-blocker together if these medications are not effective when taken separately.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Surgical therapy or minimally invasive procedures are suggested when the:

  • Symptoms range from moderate to severe
  • Medications cannot give you relief from the symptoms
  • You have kidney issues, blood in urine, bladder stones, or urinary tract obstruction.
  • You want a definitive treatment

But this treatment option is not suggested when you have:

  • Urethral Stricture Disease
  • Untreated UTI [Urinary Tract Infection]
  • History of Urinary Tract Surgery or Prostate Radiation Therapy
  • Neurological Disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease

Let us go through the surgical or minimally invasive procedures for treating enlarged prostate:

TUIP [Transurethral Incision of the Prostate]

In this procedure, a lighted scope is inserted into the patient’s urethra, and then the surgeon makes 1 or 2 incisions in the prostate. It will make it easier for the urine to flow from the urethra. This procedure is the right option when you have a moderate or small enlarged prostate.

TUMIT [Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy]

In TUMIT, the surgeon will insert an electrode through the patient’s urethra into the prostate section. The microwave energy provided by the electrode will eliminate the inner section of the enlarged prostate.

It will shrink the prostate and increase the flow of urine. This procedure will give you relief from the symptoms partially and take some time before you see the results.

TUNA [Transurethral Needle Ablation]

In this surgical procedure, the surgeon will pass a scope through the patient’s urethra, which will enable them to put the needles in the prostate gland. After that, radio waves will be passed through those needles, and the heat will eliminate the extra prostate tissue, which blocks the flow of urine.

Creaedeiling is the process of reviewing the qualifications of licensed medical professionals and verifying their medical background, license, and work experience. 

A large number of healthcare institutions and healthcare organizations do their credentialing on their own. It can be done in multiple ways, like via electronic devices or by credentialing specialists. After the credentialing has been done, the rest of the task is handled by credentialing committee.  

Robot-Assisted Prostatectomy

In this method, the surgeon makes a cut in the lower abdomen of the patient to reach the prostate gland and get rid of the tissue. Robot-assisted prostatectomy is conducted on patients who have a massively enlarged prostate, damaged bladder, and various other complications.

Laser Therapy

In laser therapy, a laser with high energy is used to eliminate the overgrown or extra prostate tissue. The therapy helps lessen the symptoms instantly. The chances of experiencing side effects from therapy are pretty low.

Besides that, laser therapy is used in patients who did not opt for any previous treatment methods to treat their enlarged prostate. There are two types of laser therapy to opt for, which are:

  • Ablative Methods: These methods help in vaporizing the obstructive prostate tissues, which in return, will increase the flow of urine. Examples of ablative methods are, HoLAP [Holium Ablation of the Prostate] and PVP [Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate]. These procedures can also lead to urinary symptoms once the surgery ends. At some point, another resection procedure might be conducted.
  • Enucleation Methods: These procedures include the HoLEP [Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate], which can eliminate the prostate tissue blocking the flow of urine. It also prevents the re-growth of the prostate tissue. The medical experts will conduct tests on the removed tissue for prostate cancer or any other condition.

Final Thoughts

The information provided in this post will give you a clear view of the treatments for enlarged prostate and a brief description of each of them. You can gain more information on each of these treatment options from your doctor.

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