Games Helped me get 1st at Cambridge University


The post games

These are all the post-games I played growing up GTA Logo star wars need for speed and my favorite series assassin’s creed playing these games. As a kid not only helped me get into Cambridge but also helped me get first whilst i was there sounds like cap. I know but hear me out and trust me you won’t be disappointed so grab your mom. Your dad and everyone else who said games were a waste of time settles down and get ready to feel very smart hey guys welcome back to the channel my name’s Shane I’m a recently qualified doctor and when I stuck in my assignments then I contact with professional assignment writing help who help me in my assignments, and neuroscience supervisor at oxford university.

Today we’re going to see how this pile of games got me into Cambridge i’m not making this post to encourage people to stop playing post-games or even increase the hours that you already play. I’m making this post to help you educate your misguided parents and make them realize that post-games bring true educational value. Transferable skills help us form a learner’s mindset in other words.

It’s not just a waste of time and thankfully over the last few years, an emerging scientific community has been investigating the educational value behind commercially sold post-games. They’ve been recognizing its merits so let’s get into it and see how gaming can improve our academic performance. I got this game assassin’s creed 2 in year 9. in it you play as a renaissance period assassin who’s avenging the death of his family. I did not choose this path it is a good life we lead brother it was chosen for me. You and your collaborators are sentenced like my father before me I am an assassin the story begins.

Basics behind movement

With a few tutorial missions that teach you the basics behind movement combat and development then as you progress through the game it challenges you with harder tasks stronger opponents and finally. The big boss now it doesn’t take a genius to realize that this is precisely how traditional education. Works schools universities and pretty much any academic body utilizes the same underlying model for education. You start with the basic information and you learn progressively harder stuff you get. Mini tests to check your understanding throughout the year and finally you get tested with a big exam at the end. So by using the same model as traditional academia post games help.

To develop a learner’s mindset that’s attuned to progressive learning and testing another key aspect of the learner’s mindset is the way intelligence and ability are perceived on the one hand you can believe intelligence is fixed and can’t be changed this is known as the entity theory of intelligence have experts of cipd assignment help UK who delivers best cipd assignments, and on the other hand, you can believe that intelligence is malleable and can be improved with training and practice this is known as the incremental theory of intelligence.

It’s proposed that post-games help us to develop and adopt this latter incremental theory of intelligence and that this translates into the academic world let me give you an example in assassin’s creed 2 there’s a series of side missions that require you to navigate to the main character through a series of complex mazes and the final goal is to get to the end of the maze to retrieve some valuable treasure as well as a special piece of armor these mazes required a combination of pattern recognition dexterity and visual perception to complete successfully and each mission would get progressively harder.

Recognize where i went wrong

I would fail a lot like really a lot but that didn’t stop me from playing instead it motivated me to recognize where i went wrong and improve and choose a different strategy for next time what I’m trying to say is that playing assassin’s creed helped me to understand that with practice I’m able to improve my skill and overcome a challenge so playing this post game helped me to believe in incremental intelligence. Which contributed to my overall learner’s mindset i got the game need for speed undercover back when i was in year eight for the most part it was just like any other racing game.

But it had some twists you weren’t racing on specialized race tracks instead you were racing on just the normal streets and you weren’t just a normal racer instead you were an undercover police officer although they never really developed this story so ea if you’re watching do a better job another cool thing that attracted me to this game was the ability to do some pretty cool stunts like 180 reverse brake turns as well as a full 360. anyway a crucial skill that this game taught me was sustained attention you had to focus on visual cues keep track of shortcuts as well as attend to obstacles to help you beat other races and get the best time but did this translate into improved attention on other tasks and importantly did this translate into better focus.

The research came across

Whilst I was studying well I looked into the research and came across an article published in nature. Which is one of the most legit and trusted scientific journals in this study researchers got a group of gamers who used to play games like GTA super Mario kart and halo as well as a group of non-gamers and they found that the gamers performed better at objective attention tasks than the non-gamers but there’s a problem with these types of reasons and the problem is correlation does not equal causation it’s plausible that naturally more attentive people are drawn towards gaming so it’s not actually the case that gaming is increasing attention performance so to get around this chicken and egg problem the researchers developed a longitudinal study and got a group of non-gamers.

Split them up further into two groups one group was instructed to play an action game called medal of honor for an hour a day for the next 10 days the second group was instructed to play Tetris for the same time and they acted as the controls the researchers did this because they believed that action game required attention on several different components at the same time and then selecting. Which one to focus on whereas Tetris just required attention on a single object at the time as expected they found that those who trained on action post-games showed a greater improvement in attention performance.

Researchers were able to conclude

The researchers were able to conclude that 10 days of training on action games is sufficient to increase attentional spatial distribution capacity and temporal resolution so it does seem playing post games helps to improve your attention and focus but based on just these results.

We probably can’t say that this fully translates into improved academic focus personally though. I did feel at least on a subconscious level playing games like need for speed did help to improve my ability to attend to several things. At once and pick what to focus on depending on task priority.

I got the game assassin’s creed brotherhood when i got to year 10. this follows on from etio’s story only this time it’s set in 16th century Rome and it’s matured into a slightly older wiser master assassin. The character overarching gameplay pretty much stayed the same there was one very important. New feature and that was the ability to form a brotherhood this involved freeing members of the public. Who’d been oppressed and enslaved by enemy groups after. They joined the assassin brotherhood and work with you this involved a complex series of decision-making when deciding. Which assassin to send to which mission you have to factor in things.

Very valuable lessons

Experience difficulty of their mission and how long they’d be gone for making the wrong decision your recruit dies make the right decision your recruit levels are this as a result taught me very valuable lessons in decision making but does this extend to good decision making in other tasks i once again looked into.

The research and found a study by Rochester university that did support it. This notion in that experiment they got a group of 18 to 25-year-olds. Split them into two groups one group was instructed. To play 50 hours of call of duty a fast-paced action game. The other group played 50 hours of Sims a strategy-based game. They were asked to make a series of decisions. They found that those who played their action game cod were 25.

Faster at making decisions and they were no worse at making the right decision than the other group. The researchers argued that playing fast-paced action. Post-games like cod required rapid decisions based on visual cues and they argued. These games helped develop probabilistic influence or in other words. The ability to form decisions based on probabilities you gather from your surroundings.

Post-games at least help us

Making but it does seem that post-games at least help us to get comfortable. With probabilistic inference and get our subconscious minds better at attending to information in the surroundings to help. Inform my decision making i got the game prototype near the end of year 10. In it you play the overpowered anti-hero. Alex mercer who battles through a dystopian Manhattan overrun by a virus that turns humans into vicious predators. My name is Alex mercer I’m the reason for all.

They call me a killer a monster a terrorist I’m all of these things. A big part of this game is stealth and remaining undetected whilst completing certain missions. When approaching enemies you have to study the scene

Gather information about how enemies would move and determine. How and when to attack without being detected this demanded a large amount of forward planning and problem-solving to determine. The best strategy to complete the mission arguably learning from this and similar stealth missions in assassin’s creed helped. To improve my problem-solving skills. Which ultimately played a role in helping me answer. The interview questions that got me into Cambridge.

Improve problem-solving

Actually any evidence that post-games improve problem-solving to answer. I once again looked into the research and found two studies one study with the world of warcraft players. Correlational so it was pretty much impossible to determine if playing the post-game resulted in better problem-solving. Or those who naturally had better problem-solving preferred to play this game the other study. Rather than just a single timeline

They found that those who reported playing post-games for a longer time. Also reported a greater problem-solving ability in the next year to add to this. They also found that improved problem-solving resulted in greater objective academic grades. So it’s possible in a roundabout way playing games like prototype and assassin’s creed helped improve my problem-solving skills.

Which indirectly helped improve my academic grades but there are a few things to bear in mind. That might limit this conclusion firstly the study only used self-reported problem-solving measures and no actual objective. Record their problem-solving ability as a result. At best we can only say that strategic post-games help improves perceptions of problem-solving skills. And secondly, even though this is a longitudinal study there still isn’t enough evidence to suggest. Playing the post-games resulted in the improvement in problem-solving there still isn’t enough temporal.