Growing Age: A Common Component Of Infertility

Age And Infertility A Bane For Many

Age And Infertility A Bane For Many

Complication while getting pregnant can harm the mother and the child if you do not take the advice of an expert. Consult your doctor about your medical history and recite all the issues that you have faced.

Apart from that, you must also learn about all the dos and don’ts that must be followed before, during and after the pregnancy if you want to conceive a healthy child.

But what about having complications in getting pregnant itself?

Well, then you must visit an expert and skilled doctor at IVF Centre in Punjab as you might suffer from infertility. It can not be known unless and until you book an appointment and diagnosis your problem.

Also, anyone can be infertile in the couple: men or women. That is why knowing the cause might help the doctor to help you overcome the mess with no issues.

Just like you wanted to know about the Test tube baby cost, it is equally important to know all the aspects of infertility.

Causes Of Infertility Among Men And Women

Many reasons could be the outcome of infertility that includes:

  • An eating disorder like anorexia
  • Excessive Exercising
  • Use of excessive alcohol
  • Cancer treatment like radiation therapy
  • Diabetes
  • Exposure to an unhealthy atmosphere like lead and pesticides.
  • Age

Age is one of the factors that play a significant role in infertility. Also, one that you can not do much about, you can increase your fertility age for around 5 years at max but other than that you are quite helpless.

That is why we are going to learn more about age and its impact on infertility among men and women both.

Infertility And Women’s Age

As the women grow older the eggs that she is born with also grow old, which results in the dwindling of their quality and quantity. It is one of the most common factors for women infertility, you can increase the fertility age with a healthy lifestyle but you can not completely demolish the concept of infertility because of age.

Infertility And Men’s Age

Female infertility because of age has always been a known fact, but with the help of recent studies, they have also acknowledged the role of infertility in men due to age.

As men hit their 40s or 45, they would see a lot of complications in reproduction health, the quality and the quantity of sperm gradually decreases. Even if they are able to conceive a child it is noticed that the child is more likely to suffer from any disorder like autism spectrum disorder.

Male infertility might also cause harm to women who are associating with their partners. As there are much more chances of miscarriages or fatal death while conceiving a child with an older man.

Infertility And Its Treatment With IVF

IVF has helped many men and women who were suffering from infertility to conceive a child. Women also have an option to freeze their eggs and use them later in their life to conceive a healthy child. All they have to do is visit Gem Hospital for the treatment