Gynaecological Malignancies -Treatment and Prevention!

Gynaecological Malignancies

Gynecological malignancies or cancer affects a woman’s reproductive organs. The most common types of gynecological malignancies include:

  • Cervical cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Uterine or endometrial cancer
  • Vaginal cancer
  • Vulvar cancer and
  • Fallopian tube cancer (relatively rare)

Malignant tumors are degenerative, and their symptoms can range from severe pain and vaginal bleeding to abdominal swelling. The standard procedure for treatment includes surgery to remove the malignant growth followed by continuous chemotherapy and radiation. A patient’s recovery and survival rates reduce drastically if the post-surgery chemoradiotherapy sessions are not completed. Patients dealing with gynecological cancer are already dealing with a chronic disease. Added to that, they often suffer from anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression. The effects of medication and chemotherapy also cause harsh reactions such as hair loss, nausea, appetite loss, etc. Regular chemotherapy also causes immune compromise and weakness. Living with such a debilitating disease tends to manifest psychosomatically and increase the patient’s sense of unease. Therefore, early diagnosis/treatment along with continuous psychological support is imperative for the patient’s wellbeing. These good practices are implemented for effective treatment provided to patients in the best gynecology hospital in Mumbai.

The outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2) since December 2019 has seen the disease spread at an unprecedented rate. It has transmitted globally and taken the shape of a worldwide pandemic. The World Health Organization stated that the virus spreads on contact with a healthy person’s nose, mouth, or eyes. Transmission occurs when people interact closely with others or spend time in crowded and poorly ventilated enclosed spaces. Touching contaminated surfaces and then accidentally touching your nose, mouth, or eyes (without cleaning your hands first) can also cause infection. Patients with poor immune systems, existing comorbidities, and the elderly are most susceptible to catching Covid-19. In this scenario, gynecological cancer patients are a high-risk Covid-19 infection group. Most gynecological cancer patients are middle-aged or older with an already weakened immune system and bodily malaise. They are therefore very susceptible to contracting the Covid-19 infection. Cancer is a disease that needs urgent treatment, surgery, and chemoradiation treatment. Doctors do not have the luxury to wait until the pandemic has been completely contained to dispense treatment. Critical steps need to be taken to continue treatment and prevent the spread of Covid-19 among patients with Gynecological Malignancies. Mentioned below are some strategic practices implemented by the top hospital in Mumbai in this regard.


Strategies for Treatment and Prevention during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Educating patients on admission is the first step.

Preventing the infection from transmitting and isolating the source is the first step in stopping the spread of Covid-19. The Government of India and the WHO have already ensured that everyone is well informed about prevention tips. Hospital administration must still enforce ground rules that all patients and their family members must follow.

  1. Masks must be worn by everyone without exceptions.
  2. Patients must be monitored regularly for body temperature and respiratory symptoms.
  3. Only one attendant per patient to be allowed. Both patient and attendant cannot leave without permission.
  4. Patients are not to be transferred from their wards to another ward.
  • Admission Management of Gynecological Cancer Patients

As mandated by the best gynecology hospital in Mumbai, all patients being treated for gynecological cancer must be double vaccinated.

  1. Strict Admission Standards to be followed: Hospitals are crowded, with multiple people seeking treatment. It is therefore important to screen and attend to the critical cases first. This way, cancer patients get the much-needed treatment while reducing their exposure to infectious elements. Gynecological Cancer Patients who are shortlisted for treatment must quarantine themselves at home for 14 days. They must also report their body temperature to the hospital authorities (remotely) every day until the day of admission.
  2. Hospitals must develop a Zoning System: A zoning system will help divide the hospital into areas for medical care and areas open to the public. The areas for medical care would include safe locations where patients can be treated and recover without fear of external exposure to Covid-19 infection health.
  •  Emergency Protocol that needs to be followed in case of infection
  • If a gynecological cancer patient is diagnosed with Covid-19, then she must be shifted to the isolation ward immediately.
  • All surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy must stop instantly.
  • All doctors, family members, and medical staff who have been in touch with the cancer patient must be isolated.
  • After the patient recovers completely, she must be reassessed to check whether surgery or chemotherapy will be required.
  • Accordingly, doctors will continue with her treatment further.
  • The Top hospital in Mumbai will enforce these rules to ensure the patient’s safety and curb the spread of Covid-19 infection.

Covid-19 grew to pandemic proportions in a relatively short duration. This caused a strain on the medical infrastructure of even the most developed nations. Understaffed, overworked medical staff and frontline workers have served patients with supreme dedication. Even now, the pandemic appears far from over. It is important to stay prepared for additional surges in Covid-19 infections. This pandemic has caused substantial challenges to the treatment of patients suffering from gynecological malignancies. Medical reports from the best gynecology hospital in Mumbai over the last several months have highlighted that it is still possible to safely carry out gynecological cancer treatment. The quality of treatment can be maintained if safety protocols are followed diligently.