How AI can help in your content marketing process

Artificial Intelligence has come a very long way. It refers to the machines that can mimic cognitive functions that are associated with the human mind, especially, learning and problem-solving. Artificial Intelligence can make your content better. It is the real push in marketing and changes how brands create and publishes content.


Artificial Intelligence, basically known as AI, covers a lot of different technologies altogether such as machine learning, computer vision, natural language generation, etc. It plays an important role in the field of content marketing helping to streamline processes during the period of immense content overload. It is something highly beneficial for the content marketing industry as it is capable to generate content, forming various content strategies, personalising content, and doing a lot of other things to improvise your content. A lot of forward-thinking content marketers have adopted AI technology to gain various competitive benefits in the industry.

What are the AI skills that you must have as a content marketer?

As a content marketer, you need to have some important AI skills if you are planning to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence over the coming years. These skills are very essential to survive as a content marketer in this age of Artificial Intelligence.


AI Knowledge and Understanding – You do not need to know everything related to Artificial Intelligence to use it. But you must at least have a basic understanding of the different technologies involved in AI and what are the opportunities available. Also, you need to have an idea of the challenges that come with it. 


Data Literacy – It is not required to have a specialized course in data science for using AI technologies. However, you need to have knowledge about basic data literacy and how it affects AI adoption. You do not need to be a pro-level expert to do this but you surely need proper guidance on how to manage data and AI.


Use Cases – Another important thing that you need to understand is how AI technology can be applied in your content marketing business. It would help you to stay ahead of your competitors and begin examining various tools too.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Content Marketing?

Artificial Intelligence when applied in content marketing refers to the technology which can automatically take decisions and procedures that humans once did on their own. These decisions taken by AI technology are informed by data like website traffic, client behavior, and sales. Artificial Intelligence is something that acts as an added advantage in promoting, planning, and tracking content more effectively.

How Artificial Intelligence is changing the process of content marketing?

Artificial Intelligence can enhance content marketing in various ways. Let us see how.

AI technology automatically generates content

Content marketers using AI technology can automatically generate content for simple content pieces like stock updates, news reports, sports reports, etc. Many times you may even have read content which is created using an algorithm without even realizing it. AI technology machines have been automatically generating content for years making the content marketing process not only more efficient but also very precise.

AI technology makes content more targeted and personalized

If you know how to use AI technology properly it can enhance your content making it more specific to your targeted audience. Artificial Intelligence can track the visitor’s activity in your domain, record your content’s reach, and sometimes may even predict how much success your content is likely to achieve. It enables content marketers to focus more on their targeted audience and create content according to their preferences. This personal experience that Artificial Intelligence provides makes it easy for visitors and they are more likely to purchase what your brand has to offer.

Deploy Chatbots to interact with users

Chatbots are interactive tools which accelerate the visitors of your website down the funnel. In simple words, these are the programs that use AI technology to mimic human conversations with your visitors so that they feel like the conversation is more personal. We can take the example of Facebook Messenger as it uses this interactive tool to interact with users and solve their queries in real-time. A lot of companies including Uber, 1-800 flowers, etc access these Facebook Messenger chatbots to enable their users to initiate a conversation without having to open the applications. Moreover, these tools can also help in sending promotional messages.

AI technology improves the user experience

AI technology can improve the user experience of your domain. It also makes relevant content recommendations for your targeted audience. Artificial Intelligence helps you understand your audience depending on the collected data, enables you to create content based on their choices, and dedicate pages for them. Also, depending on the history of the user’s at your site, you will be able to fill in details of them to make registrations and downloads easier.

Custom news feed algorithms

Artificial Intelligence allows various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to customize the news feed for users. This feature enables your viewers to only see the content that they are interested in. AI technology helps social media platforms to analyze a lot of variables and determine with detailed accuracy whether the users will be attracted to your posts or not. These news feed algorithms also provide relevant scores to the ads published on social media networks.


Custom news feed algorithm helps digital marketers understand the type of content that users find engaging and relatable. Also, having an idea about the ads that your targeted group of audience is more likely to click on helps you develop your own social media ads.



Artificial Intelligence is already playing a very crucial role in the content marketing industry. Emerging such advanced technologies have the potential to change various aspects of content marketing making it easy for businesses to get involved with their targeted group of audience. With the passing of time, you are likely to see a very huge impact of AI technology in the digital marketing field. You can take the help of a content marketing agency to get proper guidance about artificial intelligence and how it can be applied in your content business.