How Can Homeopathic Medicine Help Your Sinuses?


The only thing worse than a cold that makes you feel like your head is going to explode like a balloon and turn inside out after sneezing is a sinus infection that leaves you feeling even more miserable. If tea, hot water with lemon or honey, sugary throat lozenges, and over-the-counter decongestants haven’t done the trick yet, it may be worth checking out how homeopathic medicine for sinus can help your sinuses.

Why do we get sinusitis?

  1. Sinusitis is simply an infection of your sinuses. Basically, the sinuses are tubes that go all the way down to the back of your nose and beyond and they hold a lot of mucous. Sinusitis is basically an infection in the sinuses from some sort of bacteria or virus.
  2. Sinusitis can be spread by germs such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These germs can be spread by another person who has them, by contaminated food or water, or by touching something dirty.
  3. When you have a cold, your nose runs, making it easy for bacteria to enter the sinuses while you are blowing your nose. Most cases of sinusitis stem from a cold and the most common culprit is a virus such as a rhinovirus. This is what causes that stuffy head feeling with accompanying runny nose and cough.
  4. Most acute cases of sinusitis will resolve on their own without the need for medical help. The most important thing is to stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, and rest during this time. Do not take any over-the-counter decongestants or pain medications without the advice of a physician. Doing so can lead to rebound congestion, making the sinus infection worse.

The Signs and Symptoms of Sinusitis

  1. Headache
  2. Facial pain
  3. A temperature above 100 degrees F
  4. Achy joints/muscles
  5. Diarrhea or constipation (I have not heard of this before, but it has been reported)
  6. Sore throat
  7. Sneezing and runny nose (usually worse in the morning)
  8. A feeling of fullness in the cheeks
  9. An unusual discharge from the nose
  10. Inability to smell or taste anything
  11. You have a cold and are feeling really congested and stuffy all over
  12. Coughing up green/white phlegm (this is usually a sign of bacterial sinusitis)

What should I do to treat my sinusitis?

  1. Chose a Sinus medicine that is high in potencies (at least 200 times of the original substance).
  2. Use a few drops sublingually (under the tongue).
  3. If it is not already, start taking your homeopathic medicine at least 15 minutes before bedtime on an empty stomach (for best results).
  4. At the first sign of a cold or flu, you should begin taking your homeopathic medicine to help prevent sinusitis and in severe cases.
  5. If your sinusitis persists for more than ten days, consult with a physician.
  6. In chronic cases of sinusitis, you may need to repeat the same remedy for several days before you experience relief from your symptoms.
  7. Add heat applications (hot water bottle or heat pack) to your cold symptoms to help relieve headache and pain in the sinuses, soothe your throat and reduce congestion.

How does homeopathic medicine work?

  1. The homeopathic medicines you can use to treat sinusitis are called “Sinus”, and they are made from substances that have been diluted many times, usually 100 to 600 times (homeopaths like “a lot” of dilution).
  2. The main ingredients are homeopathic nosodes, which are made from the immune system of animals, humans, or plants that have died.
  3. After the medicine is manufactured, it is often used to treat people with infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.
  4. These medicines have been used for hundreds of years, and are safe and effective. Homeopathic medicines cannot cause allergies or side effects.
  5. If you are looking for a new place to get your homeopathic medicine, I suggest you check out the Terravitals.