How Does An Experienced Trademark Lawyer Respond ?

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How Does An Experienced Trademark Lawyer Dallas Respond To The Letter Indicating Trademark Infringement?

Getting engaged in a lawsuit is one of the worst nightmares for a business owner. It becomes stressful when a letter from a third party claims that the owner has infringed their registered trademarks. Receiving such a cease and desist letter is a matter of serious concern and calls for the immediate guidance and consultation of an experienced trademark lawyer Dallas before it gets too late and the situation gets out of control. If you have received a trademark infringement letter, seeking the help of an attorney is always an ideal decision.

Generally, the letter of trademark infringement accuses you of causing the infringement and demands compensation or gives a warning so you stop the infringing activity immediately. Thus, such letters need to be taken seriously and consulted with an experienced attorney before taking legal action. Taking appropriate actions can help you avoid further legal trouble and liabilities as well.

Here’s how the expertise of a trained trademark lawyer helps you respond to letters that claim trademark infringement.

Check whether the information in the letter & trademark registration accurate

When you receive an infringement letter whether trademark or copyright, it is highly recommended to seek consultation first from an experienced trademark or copyright infringement attorney before taking any legal action on your own. The hired attorney will first verify all the essential details that have been provided to you by the other party.

Examine details of the trademark to determine if an infringement took place as mentioned

In general, trademark infringement originally occurs when anyone uses your trademark like symbol, design, or combination of colours without your consent. Such infringements are not always intentional actions and it is important to understand that trademark owners will take action when they see an infringement occurring to protect their rights. But not all infringement cases will be computed as copyright or trademark infringement. The assistance of an experienced trademark lawyer Dallas will present a strong case in your favor by determining the details of your case.

Evaluate the intention of the accusing part for sending the infringement letter

Not all trademark infringement letters are the same. In many cases, trademark owners do so to protect their valuable trademarks from infringements. Whereas, in other cases, the trademark owner act intentionally acts maliciously to gain undue advantage against competitors or seek licensing fees that may not be entitled to. To protect yourself from being used by people for their selfish actions, hiring a trademark attorney is the best you can do. The lawyer will always stand by your side to protect you from the malicious intent of the trademark owners.

The above actions of an experienced and trained trademark lawyer in Dallas will also help you move forward in the right direction. It is the knowledge and experience of a lawyer that can help you overcome the infringement accusation legally. Trademark laws and infringement issues are confusing. If you receive a cease and desist letter from a trademark owner, you must speak to a trademark lawyer Dallas to assist you with an appropriate legal response.