How Guest Posting Can Help You Grow Your Online Audience

Guest Posting Can Help You Grow Your Online Audience

Today, I write guest posts like a madman. In fact, I have written more guest posts in six years of blogging. It’s a time-consuming investment, not only because of my commitment to posting regularly on this blog. Why bother?

Guest posting is my favorite strategy to grow your blog’s readership and platform. Let me explain.

What is guest posting?

Let’s start by defining our terms. “Guest posting” refers to writing and publishing articles on another’s blog or website.

This is something I do on my website (occasionally), and on many other blogs that have audiences I wish to talk to. This is a great way for you to get in touch with new readers.

For the longest time, however, I neglected this crucial discipline in growing a popular blog. I regret it. I don’t think so.

Three reasons guest posting is so important for bloggers to grow their online influence are:

Guest posting helps build relationships

Bloggers need quality content. You can build relationships with other bloggers by being a guest blogger and adding value on another’s blog.

A large portion of online conversations are dominated by bloggers, particularly on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. They can have a tremendous influence. They are great friends.

You can make friends with other bloggers by guest posting. This will help you grow your influence on social media and ultimately increase your blog subscribers.

Search engines love guest posting.

This is the one thing you must have in order to guest-post.

A link to your blog must be included in the post by the host blogger (usually at either the beginning or the end). These backlinks will increase the value of your site to search engines over time. This will make your content more easily found via Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines.

Guest posting is a way to meet new people The best thing about guest posting is the ability to connect with established communities and share your message. You can make connections with people who are interested in your message, and this can be a huge benefit if done correctly.

You’ll see more people, followers, and fans if you add value to the conversation. If all you do is ask or sell, you might end up well-known, but you won’t want that reputation. You don’t want “that guy” to promote his agenda. Contribute to the improvement of lives. Help others. Be patient. You’ll win over time.

How about guest posting on your site?

I also enjoy allowing guest posts to be made on my blog by other people. If you haven’t, it is worth considering guest posting.

This is a good idea if you are asking for guest posts on other blogs. This allows you to have a mutually beneficial relationship with the blogger host.

Bloggers will often blog about guest posts and link to them from their blogs, giving you great link juice. This is a great practice that I love.

  • Being a good host is the first rule
  • If I am asked to guest post for another person, I do these:
  • Link to my post
  • It can be promoted on Twitter (multiple times).
  • Share it on Facebook
  • Thanks for being there
  • Stay on top of the comments and leave a reply

Although not everyone does it, it is a good idea. This is an important point. If you are forced to choose between having people guest post on your website or elsewhere, go with the latter. It is always better to be known in new communities.

Guest posting is a matter of course

Mike, the Search Engine Guru is my friend. He says guest posting on other websites is five times more valuable than creating new content for your site. As long as you have the backlink.

I don’t care if that’s true or false. (Of course, Mike isn’t an impractical type of guy so it could be. This is a great strategy to increase your online visibility and boost your reputation.

This is also a great way to get your writing published in magazines and news sites.

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