How to drink more water from torques jal drinking water

Many people struggle to meet their everyday water needs. Others wonder how much water is optimal for them. Studies yielded a different result for this question each time. However, the optimal quantity of water one should consume per day depends on various factors. No two people can say that their water requirement is the same. But, no matter the quantity, everyone should try to consume quality mineral water from renowned manufacturers such as torques jal natural drinking water supplier


How much water should you drink per day? 

Every human loses water from their body through sweat, breath, bowel movements, and urine. So, to refill the water stock in the body, one needs to consume water, other beverages, and foods containing water. 


As per experts, men should ideally consume 3.7 liters or more water every day. For women, the quantity is 2.7 liters. On average, 20% of the total water requirement is fulfilled by food and the remaining by fluids such as water, juice, etc. Many people think that eight glasses of mineral water, from names such as torques jal natural drinking water supplier, are enough for a day. However, one might need to alter their water consumption based on several factors mentioned below. 

  • Workout 

People who work out or do intense physical activity sweat more than people who don’t. So, they lose more water, and eight glasses might not be enough for them. 

  • Weather 

Hot and humid environments demand more water consumption. People living in hot regions lose more water through sweat. So, they should drink more water. 

  • Health conditions 

People suffering from fever, diarrhea, or vomiting lose more water. So, doctors advise them to consume liquids frequently. Other health conditions are kidney stones (or other organs), bladder infections, and more. So, one should drink mineral water from torques jal natural mineral water manufacturers or other reliable names.

  • Pregnancy 

Pregnant women and nursing mothers need more fluid intake than other women. So, they should take additional fluids to meet their body’s demands. 


How to drink more water?

Here are some tips to increase one’s water intake.

  • Understanding water needs 

If the eight glasses rule doesn’t work, one must increase their water intake. It also depends on their body metabolism and fluid demands. One should consider the factors mentioned above to find the amount of water that will work the best for their body.

  • Daily goals 

When trying to drink more water, one should set daily goals. For example, if Ms. A drinks one bottle of water every day, she should slowly increase it to 2 bottles. 

  • Keep a water bottle close by 

It is the tip that many swear by. One should always carry their water bottle with them, even from one room to other.

  • Reminders 

If someone keeps forgetting to drink water, setting the alarm to ring every 30 minutes work great.

  • One glass 

It is a great idea to drink one glass of water before each meal. It is even suitable for people trying to shed weight. 


Apart from these tips, one should consume quality mineral water from torques jal natural mineral water manufacturers for the best benefits of water.