Pets are unarguably the most innocent yet naughtiest family members in any home. However, when pets are at their worst, even the highly trained ones can create unrest at home. The small yet significant damages around the house soon take a bigger shape if not handled carefully on time.
Whether it is about soiled furniture, claw marks, shedding, or scratching, pet owners have faced all of them. So, today we bring an amazing guide highlighting the common pet damages around the house and effective fixes. In addition, we’ll cover all these damage issues with innovative yet simple-to-use techniques like specialized dog doormats, upgrading hosiery, etc.
Top pet damages and ways to fix them around the house:
- Soiling the furniture: Too young or too senior pets may unmistakably start soiling the furniture for natural reasons. The costly furniture at your home may not bear this soiling and may start stinking soon. This can be one of the most prominent and problematic damages to any home.
Fix: You need an enzymatic cleaner specially created to manage pet waste. It is not recommended to use home cleaners as they may remove the stain but can’t handle the foul smell.
You can read here how to read body language of pets.
- Leaving claw marks: Claws can be dangerous for your home, especially for pets who love to run, jump, and play around. It can bring the worst for the laminates, hemlock, or pine flooring, which may soon start looking shabby. The same claw marks can cause trouble for desks, chairs, wooden tables, leather, etc.
Fix: It is easy to use restoration products to remove the claw marks from your home. Further, if looking to replace the home’s belongings, it is easy to bring pet-friendly furniture and hosiery to prevent claw marks.
- Bringing dirt home: Pets don’t care about keeping their feet clean while entering the home. The result is large amounts of dirt and impurities entering the home along with pets. You may not restrict the pets from moving here and there at home, but with little care, you don’t have to bear this dirt.
Fix: The simple and effective solution for this problem is to bring special mats like a cat doormat, which restricts impurities from entering the home. In addition, you can set up a quick pet clean-up station for the pets near doors.
- Shedding: It is an innocent process, but all pets shed at one or the other time of the year. While it may seem simple, it can cause significant damage if left untreated. Nobody wants to sit on the furniture or walk on the mats having enough hairs, and calls for immediate cleaning.
Fix: The best solution for managing pet shedding is to replace the cushions, furniture, or hosiery having shedding remains. If you think that these can be cleaned, go for the deep vacuum cleaning followed by applying specialized cleaners to make them like new.
- Chewing your things: Pets like dogs, cats, and rabbits have sharp teeth, which can be a strong enemy for your home’s belongings. Pets may chew furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, etc., calling strict veterinarian attention if becoming rampant over time. These chew marks are not welcome at your home.
Fix: It is easy for small pets to get trained for chewing or bring them some toys for fun chewing. The superficial damages can be treated with wood furniture repair markers that match the furniture color and repair the chew marks. The multi-step refinishing process can reverse the extensive damage to furniture.
- Breaking windows: Pets may start breaking windows if not able to go outside when needed. They may need to chase the squirrels outside the window, fellow pets, etc., and may soon make way for themselves through the windows. The worst part is that pets may damage themselves with broken windows.
Fix: The quick solution is to replace the broken window as early as possible. It is recommended to go for tempered glass to handle pet stress. Further, it is easy to make small doors for pets to eliminate separation anxiety and prevent window damage.
- Mangled things: While chewing, scratching, or soiling are the most prominent pet damages, throwing things here and there can create a fuss at home. Nobody wants soft toys or pillows manhandled by naughty pets which leave your home like a playground. It is not stringent damage but may cause severe issues with the home’s interior.
Fix: The quick solution for preventing your pets from mangling with different things is to keep them away from the reach of your pets. You may not keep exclusive cushions, interior elements, etc., in the range of your pets to prevent them from playing with these things.
Wrapping Up:
Hence, no need to panic as it is easy to manage the pet’s damage at your place with the quick fixes mentioned above. You can keep an eye on your pets for shedding, chewing, scratching, breaking windows, soiling furniture, leaving claw marks, etc. However, starting with the solutions, you must quickly avert long-term damages.
It is about keeping your place pets-friendly, regularly cleaning, keeping separate doormats for cats or dogs, ensuring scratch-free surfaces, etc. All you need to know is that these small pet damages can be recovered if handled sensibly and on time. Last but not least is that even pets can damage themselves with these issues, and you must stay highly vigilant and responsive to such damage.