How To Improve the Security of Your New Blog?

How To Improve the Security of Your New Blog

Nasty plagiarists and cyber-attackers flood the internet to search for security loopholes across websites and blogs. They can do anything to steal the sensitive data from your website/blog, from installing malware to redirecting your traffic. Despite countless attacks and hacking attempts, you can still find various websites and blogs vulnerable, and the owners are less concerned. Adding security to a blog is essential; we are here to help you with that! This post will uncover how to improve the security of your new blog to keep attackers at bay. Keep scrolling to learn more!

Tips for Adding Security to your New Blog:

If you think your blog is immune to security attacks and hacking attempts, you must rethink! Hacking is not the only thing you should be worried about, as various other factors can hit you hard. Regarding blogs, uniqueness is the hallmark of quality, and you should focus on this domain. We have compiled several strategic ways to add security to your new blog. Let us explore the list without any further ado!

1. Secure your login:

Securing your login details soon after your blog is live is critical for keeping security protocols high. Admin is the default username/password for almost every WordPress blog these days, and hackers know it. Why not change it to alleviate the risk of being attacked by cybers?

Apart from this, you must also use CAPTCHA for added security. Blog owners can avoid spam and various hacking attempts by using CAPTCHA. However, most owners are less concerned about this thing, costing them to lose sensitive data after an attack.

2. Opt for automatic backups:

Even the deadliest hacking attempt can never hurt you if you take regular backups of your blog/website. Automatic backups are not unique in the current era, and website/blog owners should swear by the practice. You can restore the entire website/blog and all the sensitive data to get back on track and start operations.

Apart from security concerns, you must also back up your data before installing a new version or plugin. With a better security plugin, you can enhance your blog security and functionality to keep it active for your online visitors.

3. Choose a secure hosting platform:

Web hosting/blog hosting is the next new normal, and organizations are reaping the fruits. Those still thinking about jumping into it should read the advantages of hosting. Hosting your blog on a secure platform can add more security to the blog, including SSL certificates and updated firewalls.

Apart from security, hosting your blog can also bring along countless perks to the table. You can get everything in a single package about speed, performance, and uptime. Are you interested in hosting your blog on a secure platform? Consider contacting reliable and secure web hosting companies in Dubai and browse through their collection of hosting packages!

4. Add password authentication to the admin folder:

Hackers often use the easiest route to your website or blog: your login/admin page. Why not make it challenging for them to break in through this route? The best way to do this is by adding password authentication to your admin folder. It implies that anyone accessing this folder will enter the correct password/login details.

Blog owners can add password authentication to the admin folder using the control panel. “Password Protect Directories” will help you enable this option and add more entry barriers to your blog.

5. Add links to guard copy/paste:

Content thieves are always surfing the internet, searching for content ideas and materials to steal. They don’t carry around complex tools for the job but the “copy and paste.” Why make it too easy for content thieves to steal your article and paste it elsewhere? The best you can do is add links to guard copy-pasting and keep the thieves away.

Disabling copy commands on your blog implies that no one can steal your hard-written content. Plugins are available to disable dopy-pasting of content, and blog owners should pay attention to them.

6. Install security firewalls:

Installing security firewalls on your blog is another excellent technique for keeping hackers and cyber-attackers at a distance. Most modern-day firewalls have built-in scanners that can scan your blog for malicious codes and materials. Moreover, the anti-spam features in these firewalls can help you keep your blog spam-free.

Don’t you have access to security firewalls or don’t know which one to pick for your blog? Don’t panic! Hosting your blog is the best security measure you can ever take. Your hosting provider will install all the necessary firewalls on your blog. Consider joining hands with the best web hosting companies like HostingMENA and seek their help!

Secure your blog from hacking attempts!

Blog security is a crucial element to consider, especially in the current times when hackers are flying around like flies. Nothing can beat hackers better than hosting your blog on a secure hosting platform. Contact reliable hosting providers like Hosting MENA and let them take care of your blog security and performance!