All About Swimming with lifeguard training in Kids



Swimming with lifeguard training in children

Swimming has many benefits for the human body. It is a very useful sport for mental and physical development. Contact with water relaxes the body and mind. The body becomes more fit. Swimming with lifeguard training can be given to children from a young age and they can be made a habit. In addition to its contribution to development, swimming is a very fun and relaxing activity for children.

As a matter of fact, swimming in children begins in the mother’s womb. They live in the water in the sac in the mother’s womb. At the same time, water birth has been widely practiced today. The relaxing effect of water relieves labour pains and babies born into water experience a comfortable moment of birth. This shows us how important water is for children and babies.

Things to Consider in Children’s Pools

The creation of a healthy, enjoyable and safe environment while swimming will increase the quality of children’s swimming activities. If attention is paid to the points to be considered in the use of the pool, maximum efficiency will be obtained from the event. Things to consider in children’s swimming pools;

How Should Children’s Swimming Education Be?

Swimming with lifeguard training in children can be started from 3-6 months. Since these months are the developmental periods of children, their contact with water positively affects their development. The beginning is very important in swimming training. It is better for babies to start in small baby pools, accompanied by special trainers so that they are not disturbed by the crowd.

Swimming training for babies should start with parents and trainers. Their initial position is on their backs, standing on their backs in the water makes them feel safe. After the trust is established, the lifeguard training continues with the trainer alone. Babies and children should be given time to get used to the water, move safely and enjoy swimming.

Using pool cloths in swimming with lifeguard trainings with babies is important for hygiene and health. It is important for the healthy use of the pool. Hygiene rules must be followed so that the water remains clean and babies are not exposed to any bacteria.

Swimming with lifeguard training is reinforced with games to gain the child’s confidence. In this way, a better communication is established with the child. It is explained and shown how to use his arms and legs in water. For safe and healthy swimming training, the child is told what to do and what to pay attention to. He is taught how to control his breathing in water. Jumping into the pool can be practiced, but the child should not be forced during this time.

Benefits of Swimming for Children

Swimming courses are an important activity for the mental and physical development of the child. Swimming with lifeguard training, which starts at a young age, and the time spent in the pools and seas provide positive benefits for the mental and physical development of children.

  • It prevents the risk of heart attack at a young age by developing the heart muscles.
  • By improving the muscle and bone structure, it makes it look more vigorous and fitter than its peers.
  • Swimming sport benefits the development of the musculoskeletal system, while at the same time it becomes a fun activity for children.
  • They can easily do swimming, which provides the balance of height and weight, in indoor and outdoor pools in all seasons.
  • Children learning to swim can easily enjoy the sea in the summer months.
  • Swimming lessons teach children to use different senses at the same time.

Benefits of Swimming for Babies

Babies love water because they are in water in the womb. Swimming exercises can be started for babies from the sixth month. These activities, which are done because babies love water, become even more fun for them, especially if they are with their parents. Some of these benefits are;

  • Contact with water helps to relieve pain and gas problems of babies.
  • Swimming improves balance coordination in babies.
  • Increases muscle development.
  • Their appetite increases as they exert effort.
  • Their self-confidence increases.

Things to Consider Before and After Swimming in Children

Swimming has many effects on children. However, as in every activity and sport, swimming activities also have points to be considered. These; It is not recommended to enter the water in the first 30 minutes after meals. The body is not allowed to begin digestion. It is recommended to do sports such as swimming, which require high effort, at least 30 minutes after meals.

What are the children’s products that should be used in swimming activities?

There are various products that everyone should acquire for swimming in the pool or sea. These products are important in terms of hygiene and safety. The use of these equipment’s in children and babies, who have a more sensitive body than adults, is a factor that should be given sensitivity.

Pool clothes are the first of the products to be acquired when starting swimming activities. These should be clothes made of water-resistant fabrics that do not become heavy when in contact with water. While choosing children’s swimsuits, care should be taken to ensure that their bodies fit perfectly and that they are comfortable to move around. Swimsuits that are too large or too small that restrict their movement can have undesirable consequences.