How to Safely Destroy Documents to Prevent Identity Theft?

Document destruction

Apart from mail and letters, businesses constantly get hundreds of various papers containing confidential information that may be a gold mine for someone who wants to destroy your reputation. It is important for organizations to frequently get rid of documents that are no longer required to be stored. So, how can you destroy confidential documents that contain sensitive information while keeping your data safe? Document destruction services can assist you in ensuring that your company’s sensitive data is destroyed in a safe, secure, and responsible manner.

Why is document destruction important?

When you improperly dispose of your documents and other data, you, your organization, and your customers are vulnerable to identity theft. This is why it is vital to ensure that all data is completely shredded and destroyed. Identity theft is affecting an increasing number of businesses. A seemingly innocuous piece of information uncovered in your firm’s paperwork might be utilized to build a fake representation of your organization. This fake version might entice naive clients, take their money, and ruin your reputation.

Which confidential documents should be destroyed?

People in businesses deal with a lot of sensitive information. Companies generate and maintain a large amount of paper, such as bills, contacts, bank agreements, client orders, and so on. All of these papers contain personal information such as first and last names, addresses, contact numbers, email addresses, etc. There are many documents contains confidential information. Here is a list of documents that typically include confidential information and must be disposed of in the proper manner.

  • Medical documents and records
  • Legal documents
  • Financial statements
  • Credit card bills
  • Utility bills
  • Insurance records
  • Junk mails
  • Tax returns
  • Customer list
  • Price lists
  • Business plans
  • Electronic media – DVDs, CDs, pen drives

Shredding is an effective and ideal way to destroy sensitive documents

Whether you’re a small business, a large organization, or a sole proprietor who creates or deals with data, you will need to have the right document destruction plan in place for safely getting rid of all those confidential documents that you have stacked for so many years. Whether it’s a stack of papers or an electronic folder of information, it’s vital to have a plan in place for properly destroying it when the time comes.

Do you know the best way to securely and permanently destroy documents? Shredding.

  • Shredding is a frequently used technique for destroying paper documents since it is fast, simple, and affordable.

  • Many vendors provide shredders that may be used in your workplace or business to shred and dispose of papers.

  • Consider recycling your shredded documents if feasible, as long as you can do so without making the data widely accessible to others during that time.

  • If the number of documents is limited, you can shred them yourself. However, if the volume of documents to be shredded is larger, you will need to hire a shredding service company.

  • The company offering document destruction services will come to your location, grab your documents, and shred them securely for you.

  • If you opt for this option, be certain that they are a reliable and trustworthy agency that will safely destroy the documents.

  • The shredding service provider simplifies the document destruction process by offering on-site and off-site document destruction.

Companies specializing in document destruction services are well-known for their use of modern technology and experienced and knowledgeable personnel.

Why should you hire a professional company for document destruction?

Although paper documents must be shredded, the biggest dilemma for businesses is whether they should buy an office paper shredding machine or hire a shredding service provider.

Here are the top reasons why it makes sense for businesses to outsource document destruction services rather than buy a paper shredding machine.

Be stress-free about maintenance and repairs

  • When you purchase a shredder, you are also responsible for its upkeep, and as it wears and deteriorates, more downtime and repairs are required.

  • Hiring a shredding service covers the costs of routine maintenance, repairs, and labor.

  • You can have the confidential documents shred in a more cost-effective manner without being concerned about equipment, fixes, downtime, or security threats.

Robust security

Secure document destruction services ensure that confidential data and information about your organization or its clients is destroyed securely in your presence.  You will receive a proof of destruction certificate after the shredding task is completed.

Reduce your environmental impact

Because an office shredding machine only produces limited volumes of shredded paper, recycling facilities find it difficult to handle. A shredding service provider naturally shreds and recycles vast volumes of paper; your paper will be recycled, allowing your organization to be more eco-friendly.

Some companies choose to destroy their private documents by employing a shredding service provider. If you are planning to do so, make sure that you partner with a trusted service provider. Check that they are following appropriate security procedures for shredding personal records before engaging them.