How to write plagiarism free CDR Report ?

plagiarism free CDR Report

Are you an aspiring engineer looking to migrate to Australia and pursue a career in engineering? If so, you will need to prepare a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) as part of the requirements for the Engineers Australia (EA) assessment. The CDR is a document that showcases your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience. However, writing a CDR report that is free from plagiarism can be challenging. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing a plagiarism-free CDR report.

Yes, you can compose CDR Report without plagiarism. CDR, also known as competency Demonstration Report, is a skill assessment document that is to be provided by overseas engineers who graduated from a university that is not accredited by a listed Accord: the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, or Dublin Accord, and are willing to relocate to Australia for a skilled migration visa.

 Every year 1000+ qualified candidates migrate to Australia to flourish their careers in the engineering field. Engineers Australia, an assessing authority, assess CDR document to evaluate engineers’ competencies, which means that the engineer’s qualification is recognized, and the applicant is eligible to work in Australia. As Engineers Australia is against plagiarism, you should compose a unique CDR report that contains your authentic information to avoid rejection. A minor mistake on your CDR can cause CDR rejection, so it should be formed by adhering to EA guidelines mentioned in the MSA booklet. Because the CDR report is essential in the assessment process, hence this should be original and plagiarism-free.


The Engineers Australia (EA) is a professional body that assesses the skills, knowledge, and experience of engineers who want to migrate to Australia and practice engineering. The EA uses the CDR report to evaluate the competency of an engineer and determine if they meet the required standards for engineering practice in Australia. The CDR report must be original and free from plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to the rejection of your CDR report and a ban from submitting future reports. Plagiarism occurs when you use someone else’s ideas, words, or work without giving them proper credit. To write a plagiarism-free CDR report, you need to understand the rules and guidelines for referencing and citation.

Understanding the CDR Report

The CDR report is a document that showcases your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience. It is divided into three main sections: Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Career Episodes (CEs), and Summary Statement (SS). Each section has specific requirements and guidelines that you must follow.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a section that highlights your engineering knowledge and skills. You need to provide evidence of your participation in professional development activities, such as workshops, seminars, and conferences. You also need to demonstrate how these activities have contributed to your professional growth and development.

Career Episodes (CEs) are three narratives that describe your engineering work experience. Each career episode must be based on a specific engineering project that you have worked on. You need to describe your role in the project, the engineering tasks that you performed, and the engineering knowledge and skills that you applied.

The Summary Statement (SS) is a summary of your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience. You need to demonstrate how your CPD and Career Episodes have helped you to develop the competencies required for engineering practice in Australia.

Referencing and Citation

Referencing and citation are crucial elements in writing a plagiarism-free CDR report. You need to reference all the sources that you have used in your report, including books, journals, articles, and websites. You also need to cite any direct quotes or paraphrased information from these sources.

The referencing style that you use depends on the requirements of the EA. The most common referencing styles are Harvard, APA, and Vancouver. You need to follow the guidelines for referencing and citation provided by the EA.

To avoid plagiarism, you need to paraphrase information from sources in your own words. Paraphrasing means restating someone else’s ideas in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. You also need to use quotation marks for direct quotes and cite the source.

Using Plagiarism Checking Tools

Plagiarism checking tools are essential for ensuring that your CDR report is free from plagiarism. These tools can identify any instances of plagiarism in your report and provide suggestions for correcting

Tips for Writing a Plagiarism-Free CDR Report

Here are some tips to help you write a plagiarism-free CDR report:

  1. Understand the requirements and guidelines for the CDR report.
  2. Use your own words when paraphrasing information from sources.
  3. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and cite the source.
  4. Follow the guidelines for referencing and citation provided by the EA.
  5. Use plagiarism checking tools to identify and correct any instances of plagiarism.


CDR report is accepted by the Engineers Australia (EA) assessment. By understanding the requirements and guidelines for the CDR report, using proper referencing and citation, and using plagiarism checking tools, you can write a report that showcases your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience without any instances of plagiarism. Following these tips will increase your chances of a successful outcome and enable you to pursue your dream career as an engineer in Australia.

At CDR for engineer, we will assist you until you obtain a positive result from Engineers Australia. Our specialist can assist you in CDR plagiarism checking and Removal , including Three career episode reports, a Summary statement Report, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Report, CV-Resume Report and other CDR-related services. If you have a problem with the CDR assessment, you can contact us to get the best guide from our Experienced writers.