I prepare for Mains prepare for the Ethics GS4 for the UPSC?

Ethics Integrity and Aptitude

The ideal medication one must follow is a Prelims cum Mains approach. Ethics GS4 This will allow the scholars time to cover the vast syllabus in short portions over the course of the test. But occasionally, applicants tend to leave Mains medication a bit and end up in a grueling situation when facing Mains. I’ll try to explain what an applicant should do when they’re in such a tricky situation.

What to do first when time is short?

The veritably first thing one must do is to take the former times’ papers and to start looking through the questions. Not only will you be suitable to understand how the questions are asked, but you’ll also get to know the areas from which veritably many questions are asked.

For illustration, from World History, only one question is generally asked in GS-1. This does not mean that you shouldn’t study World History at each, but give further preference to other subjects when compared to World History.

Find out the motifs from which the most questions are being asked. For those areas from which maximum questions are being asked, try to essay all the former times’ questions to understand how you should write the stylish answer and also to prepare the demanded content for them. For illustration, from GS-1, Society is a content from which you can anticipate many questions every time, and the content is also available fluently.

Like this, continue for all the other subjects and make sure you give a proper order of significance. You’re requested to give a bare minimum of reading and medication to indeed the least important motifs since marks from every answer count in this trip. So, devote your time consequently. Follow the same for your voluntary paper as well. Maintain enough time for your voluntary medication and give enough time to assay the former times’ papers and make a plan consequently.

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The Common Motifs

Since you gave a lot of time to Prelims, it’ll also give you an edge in motifs that are common to both Prelims and Mains. For illustration, GS2 is lapping with the Polity of Prelims. Likewise, the Environment, Science & Technology in GS3 overlaps with the same in Prelims.

Hence, you have a sound base for these motifs. Now, you have to condense these motifs a bit to make it suitable for Mains as well. Like, for the Polity that you have studied in Prelims, ameliorate it by learning about colourful significant judgements, the logical part of important schemes to help you write the answer for Mains.

This would surely enhance your answers in a fairly short period of time as you have the basics covered formerly and only the polishing of knowledge is needed now.

Subjects That Take Lower Time

GS, in general, is a vast area to study. But this is applicable for GS1, GS2 and GS3. Compared to this, GS4 (Ethics) can be finished briskly as the syllabus is shorter and you aren’t needed to mug the portions. Along with this, the Essay paper has to be given special attention. For the Ethics paper, however there’s veritably little lapping with the other papers, Ethics is most surely a scoring one, and you may use this as an occasion to cover the marks that you lose from other GS papers.

This goes the same for Essay. What you have learned from your UPSC medication can be applied to write a good essay, and like the Ethics paper, the Essay paper too is mark-satisfying compared to other GS papers. But, to get good marks from the Essay paper, you have to write well with structure, clarity, consonance and content.

Though you may find it delicate to write a good essay in your first pass, by the 5th Essay you essay, you’ll notice considerable changes. You’ll get good marks in Essay within a lower span of time if you continue to write further.


Though going through the below tips would help you ameliorate your Mains marks, further than everything you should concentrate on practice answer writing. However, also that would drop your chances of selection, If you aren’t suitable to finish all the questions in 3 hours.

While trying mock tests, you’ll also understand the gaps that you have to fill and how to structure the answer duly for the stylish marks. This would further ameliorate your chance of clearing the Mains.

Also Read: Ethics Integrity and Aptitude

The more you write, the closer you’re to the mark. It does not matter whether you started late or studied only for Prelims; what matters now is to take that pen and start writing till you’re confident.