Importance Of Choosing the Right Size of AC For Your Home

When it comes to the installation of ducted AC in your house, then it is very important to get the right size of AC for your home. You do not want to change your ducted AC once you have installed one in your house.

If you want to make the right decision, then it is very important to follow the expert tips. You should find the best capacity for the new ducted air con for your home. We recommend you follow the below-mentioned tips for purchasing the best size of ducted AC for your home.

Importance Of Choosing Right Size Ducted AC

The very important thing while choosing the ducted AC is energy efficiency. The air conditioners perform best when they efficiently fill the space. Air conditioners run best when they are designed to fill the space efficiently. The energy-efficient air conditioning unit will help to fill your house with cool air in a sustainable way. On the other hand, if you choose a bad size AC, then you will feel stressed. Your AC needs to work much harder to cool down your home. We recommend you to take help of professionals like ducted air conditioning Sydney contractors. 

Choosing Right Size AC As Per Requirement 

Finding the right size for your ducted AC may be a little tricky. The sizes of the ducted aircon vary widely. But it is imperative to know the right capacity of AC for your home needs. The modern ACs are rated in kilowatts (KW). The cooling and heating functions of your AC should be measured in the KWs.

Tips To Calculate Right AC Size For Your Home

When it comes to calculating the ideal ducted aircon system for your home, then you should follow the below-mentioned tips:

Calculate The Total Floor Area

While calculating the right size of the AC, you should consider the total floor area. You should take into account your daytime living areas such as family rooms, kitchen, lounges, study entrances, stairs, hallways, etc. Any area in your house used during the daytime should be considered while calculating the total floor area.

Why should you consider daytime living areas? By calculating this area, you can easily determine the required capacity of your ducted air con. It is calculated on the assumption that the bedrooms are not used during the daytime. During the night, the direct radiation from the sun decreases and the heat load drops down.

Multiply Daytime Living Area With Ceiling Height

The rule of thumb calculation is to multiply the total daytime living area by the ceiling height. Automatically, you will find out that a home with high ceilings needs a large capacity because AC size is just based on the volume of air that needs to be heated or cooled.

  • If your house ceiling is 2.4 meters, then you should multiply the total daytime living area by 150 Watts.
  • If the ceiling height of your house is 2.7 meters, then multiply the total daytime living area by 160 watts.
  • The house with a ceiling height of more than 2.7 meters, multiplies the total daytime living area with 176 watts.

By doing these calculations, you can easily determine the total wattage you need. Once you have obtained the number with multiplication, then move the decimal point to the three points on the left to convert it into Kilowatts.

For example, if we calculate the ducted AC size for a 4-bedroom house, then you need to consider the daytime living area. Usually, the daytime living area is approx. 85 square meters in a 4-bedroom house with a 2.7-meter-high ceiling. In this situation, you should multiply 85 with 160 watts = 13.6 KW. Thus, you should purchase a home with a capacity of around 13.6 KW.

Requirement Of Large Size Ducted AC 

There are various reasons for investing in the large size ducted air conditioner and some of them are mentioned below:

  • If your home has large areas with single glass windows.
  • Most bedrooms and living areas are used during the daytime.
  • If the roof is not insulated, then you need a large size of ducted AC.

Need for Small Size Ducted AC 

If you want small capacity AC for your home, then you should have the following: 

  • Properly insulated roof space and walls of your house.
  • You should be able to close off and avoid daytime living areas using hot days.
  • Maintain plenty of roof space ventilation, such as eave vents and whirlybirds
  • You have top-notch duct insulation, like an ultra duct.

Final Words

Choosing the appropriate size ducted AC is very important so that you can enjoy a comfortable ambiance and make your investment worthwhile. You should consider taking help from professionals like air conditioning Sydney contractors. The too-small size AC will not be able to cool your home properly. On the other hand, the too large size of AC will lead to wastage of money and increase utility bills as well.